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Iinvestigation of nanoparticles by DSC-TG methods accompanied by chemical analysis of emitted gas |
Iwona E. Malka 1, Jacek Wojnarowicz 1, Anna Swiderska - Sroda 1, Witold Łojkowski 1,2 |
1. Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN (IWC), Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142, Poland |
Abstract |
Simultaneous Thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) coupled with quadruple mass spectrometer provide a lot of useful data in nanomaterials investigations. In laboratory practice is very important to keep a high tests precision, reproducibility and low measurement uncertainty, as well as use established standards. In this work, we present thermal behavior of different nanopowders such as ZnO nano-particle characterized by different morphology and nano-ZrO2 used as the optical, oxygen sensor. Involving the mass spectrometer to thermal stability measurements helps to understand nature of tested nanoparticles. In case of both nano-oxides we noticed decomposition of adsorbed water in the temperature range 25-200ºC and release of CO2 in temperature range 200-500ºC. Such kind of measurements are very useful to obtain good quality of nanomaterial or to explain different behavior of nanopowders comparing to their bulk counterparts. Netzsch STA (DSC-TG) and QMS was purchased with support of the project “Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology” CePT which was partly financed by European Union European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the Operating Program Innovative Economy, in years 2007-2013, Priority 2, Infrastructure of sphere R+D, activity 2.2. Iwona Malka gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP START 2013). |
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Presentation: Polish Research Projects at Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair, by Iwona E. Malka Submitted: 2013-06-03 11:47 Revised: 2013-06-17 10:03 |