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prof Witold Łojkowski

phone: +48-22-8880006
fax: +48-22-6324218
interest(s): nanomaterials, high pressure, microwaves, nanopowders


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Pressure Physics

address: Sokolowska 29/37, Warszawa, 01-142, Poland
phone: +48-22-6324302
fax: +48-22-6324218


Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN

address: Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa, 01-142, Poland
phone: +48-22-6324302
fax: +48-22-6324218


NANO Ceramics and Grain Boundaries Lab

began: 1998-01-01


High Pressure School 1999 (3rd)

began: 1999-09-13
ended: 1999-09-17


High Pressure School 2001 (4th)

began: 2001-06-22
ended: 2001-06-25


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2002

began: 2002-09-15
ended: 2002-09-19


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

began: 2003-09-15
ended: 2003-09-11


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

began: 2004-09-06
ended: 2004-09-10


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

began: 2005-09-05
ended: 2005-09-09

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Prediction of degree of localisation of misfit dislocation cores in intercrystalline interfaces based on interfacial adhesion

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Kinetic and thermodynamic factors leading to dissolution of cementite in pearlitic steel subjected to severe plastic deformation under pressure

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Current trends in the development of metallic nanomaterials: results of a study carried out within the EC project Nanoroad SME


COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting

began: 2006-02-17
ended: 2006-02-18

COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting

SWOT analysis of various reactors used for synthesis of nanopwoders in our Working Group

COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting

Synthesis of nanopowders at elevated pressure and their characterisation - summary of work of the WG-002


Struktury i modelowanie nanokryształów

began: 2006-03-10
ended: 2006-03-10

Struktury i modelowanie nanokryształów

Nasze wyniki, zdania i sposoby ich realizacji


Workshop NAMIC

began: 2006-05-09
ended: 2006-05-09


COST action D32 Mid term evaluation meeting

began: 2006-06-07
ended: 2006-06-09

COST action D32 Mid term evaluation meeting

Doping of ZnO nanopowders with Mn and Cr in an ultrasound and microwave driven hydrothermal reaction

COST action D32 Mid term evaluation meeting

Investigations of phase composition and grain size distribution in Pr doped ZrO2


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

began: 2006-09-04
ended: 2006-09-08

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Five years of E-MRS Fall Meeting in Warsaw

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Synthesis, sintering and properties of doped nanocrystalline powders of zirconia, zinc oxide and yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG)


Nano2business workshop

began: 2007-02-07
ended: 2007-02-09


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

began: 2007-09-17
ended: 2007-11-30

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

Combining microwave and pressure techniques for hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO and ZrO2 nanopowders doped with a range of metal ions

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

Summary of activities of Working Group D30/003 "Synthesis and Processing of Nanopowders"


COST D30 Final Evaluation Meeting

began: 2007-10-26
ended: 2007-10-27

COST D30 Final Evaluation Meeting

A summary of results obtained in Working Group 002 "Synthesis and Processing of Nanopowders"


Strategie Rozwoju Technologii Zaawansowanych Materiałów w Polsce

began: 2008-03-28
ended: 2008-03-28

Strategie Rozwoju Technologii Zaawansowanych Materiałów w Polsce

Oferta zaawansowanych materiałów w perspektywie 5 - 20 lat

Strategie Rozwoju Technologii Zaawansowanych Materiałów w Polsce

Strategia rozwoju badań nanoproszków



began: 2008-04-09
ended: 2008-04-09



began: 2008-09-01
ended: 2008-09-01


COST ACTION D32 STSM Results Presentation Meeting

began: 2008-10-13
ended: 2008-10-15


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-18


Nanotechnologia PL

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-14

Nanotechnologia PL

Polska  Platforma Nanotechnologii i zarys strategicznego programu "Nanotechnologia i wzrost inwestycji w B&R w Polsce"


EUMINAfab European research infrastructure for multimaterial micro and nano manufacture

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-14


Nanotechnologia PL 2011

began: 2011-09-19
ended: 2011-09-19

Nanotechnologia PL 2011



Warsaw and Karlsruhe Nanotechnology Day

began: 2011-09-22
ended: 2011-09-22


Nano-Biotechnologia PL

began: 2012-09-17
ended: 2012-09-18

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Otwarcie NanoInfoDay, Powitanie

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Importance and trends in nanomedicine according  European Nanomedicine Platform survey

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Application of the Zeiss Ultra Plus scanning microscopy in bio-nanotechnology 

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Welcome address

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Presentation of the  Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomaterials, CePT


Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

began: 2013-09-16
ended: 2013-09-19

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

Nanometrology as a tool for nanotechnology problems solving

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

Creating a Polish Nano-Bio-Technology and  Nano-Medicine Platform?

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

MSS synthesis of highly biocompatible nano-HAP and coating of 3D poymer scaffolds

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

Polish Nanotechnology Platform - a discussion group at Linked-In


Nano PL 2014

began: 2014-10-15
ended: 2014-10-18

Nano PL 2014

Quo Vadis nanotechnology- for various stakeholders

Nano PL 2014

Opening of the Thursday Sessions of NanoPl 2014

Nano PL 2014

Opening of Nano-Bio-Med session



began: 2015-07-14
ended: 2015-07-14


  1. Accuracy of XRD size measurements of nanocrystals
  2. Advanced characterisation of nanomaterials according to ISO 17025 Norm

  3. Advanced nanoporous yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics for luminescent oxygen sensors
  4. Advanced nanostructural zirconia ceramics for optical oxygen sensors
  5. An FT-IR Spectroscopic Investigation of Hydroxide Groups in Nano-Crystals of ZrO2.
  6. Application of the Zeiss Ultra Plus scanning microscopy in bio-nanotechnology 
  7. Application of X-ray powder diffraction to nano-materials; determination of the atomic structure of nanocrystals with relaxed and strained surfaces
  8. Are nanocrystalline powders two-phase materials: predictions and experimental evidence
  9. A summary of results obtained in Working Group 002 "Synthesis and Processing of Nanopowders"
  10. Atomic structure of nanocrystals and in situ synthesis x-ray studies of nanocomposites
  11. Badania nanoproszków przy pomocy technik DSC-TG/ QMS-FTIR w Laboratorium Nanostruktur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT
  12. Badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek i potencjału zeta w Laboratorium Nanostruktur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT
  13. Badanie stabilności i rozpuszczalności zawiesin z nano ZnO i nano ZnO:Co otrzymanych w  Laboratorium Nanostrutur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT
  14. Bioactive GoHAP nanoparticles and their applications in medical implants technology
  15. Biocompatibility of thin films based on hydrothermal synthesized HAp
  16. Cathodoluminescence of Al doped ZnO nanopowders
  17. [CEPT] MSS synthesis of highly biocompatible nano-HAP with properties depending on the synthesis time.
  18. [CEPT] Nanohydroxyapatite-polylactide composites  for regenerative implants
  19. [CEPT] Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials in the Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomaterials
  20. [CEPT] Solvothermal synthesis nano zinc oxide in  microwave reactor MSS2
  21. [CEPT] Studies of nanoparticles size distribution
  22. [CEPT] Studies of solubility of nanoparticles and stability of their suspension
  23. Characteristic of hydroxyapatite dense nanoceramic produced by The High Pressure Consolidation  
  24. Characterization of nanocrystalline ZrO2 doped with Rare-Earth elements synthesized via High Pressure Hydrothermal Method
  25. Characterization of nanomaterials according to EU recommendations, on the example of ZnO nanoparticles
  26. Characterization of nanopowders
  27. Combining microwave and pressure techniques for hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO and ZrO2 nanopowders doped with a range of metal ions
  28. Correlation between high-pressure ZrO2 electrical properties and crystallite size
  29. Creating a Polish Nano-Bio-Technology and  Nano-Medicine Platform?
  30. Determination of a two-phase structure of nanocrystals: GaN, SiC, diamond
  31. Development of microstructure and mechanical properties in nickel deformed by hydrostatic extrusion
  32. Diffusion and diffusion induced defects in GaN
  33. Doped zirconia nanopowders made in microwave – pressure reactor
  34. Doping of ZnO nanopowders with Mn and Cr in an ultrasound and microwave driven hydrothermal reaction
  35. Doping of ZnO nanopowders with Mn, Ni and Cr In an ultrasound and microwave driver hydrothermal reaction
  36. Effect of SPD Grain Refinement and Peculiarity of Structure and Mechanical Properties of UFG Ni
  37. Error bars in powder diffraction
  38. Eu Luminescence in zirconia nanocrystals
  39. Excellent Mechanical Properties of Nickel Processed by High Pressure Techniques
  40. Excellent mechanical properties of UFG metals and alloys, subjected to combination of severe plastic deformation methods.
  41. Excitation transfer in zirconia nanocrystals and ceramics
  42. Fabrication and electrical properties of Eu^{3+}:BaTiO_3 nanoceramics for SOFC
  43. Grain Boundaries Harder Than Diamond
  44. Grain Size and Grain Size Distribution of Nanocrystalline Pr-doped Zirconia Powders Obtained in High Pressure Microwave Reactor
  45. Growth and properties of ytterbium doped KY(WO4)2 nanocomposites
  46. High Pressure Effect on Grain Boundary Wetting in Aluminium Bicrystals
  47. High Pressure Research at Unipress
  48. High pressure x-ray powder diffraction application to studies of nanocrystals
  49. Hybrid HAp- maleic anhydride copolymer nanocomposites obtained by in situ functionalisation
  50. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanopowders
  51. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanopowders with Microwaves Applications
  52. Hydrothermal Synthesis of ZnAl2O4 Spinel
  53. Iinvestigation of nanoparticles by DSC-TG methods accompanied by chemical analysis of emitted gas
  54. Importance and trends in nanomedicine according  European Nanomedicine Platform survey
  55. Indentation Technique for Determination if Mechanical Behavior of Nanomaterials (Bulk and Coatings)
  56. Influence of heat treatment on luminescence of ZrO+ Eu nanopowders
  57. Influence of synthesis conditions on the particles size and the morphology of zinc oxide nanopowders
  58. Infrastruktura i specjalizacje nanotechnologii w Polsce na podstawie wyników ankiety NANOFORCE
  59. Investigations of phase composition and grain size distribution in Pr doped ZrO2
  60. Investigations on the utilization of nano zinc oxides synthesized by hydrothermal method in rubber compounds
  61. Localization of rare-earth dopants in the lattice of nanocrystalline ZrO2 - EXAFS study
  62. Localization of rare-earth dopants in the lattice of nanocrystalline ZrO2 - EXAFS study
  63. Luminescence and structural properties of rare-earth doped YAG nanoceramics
  64. Luminescence of ZrO2 and ZnO nanocrystals
  65. Luminescence of ZrO_2 nanocrystals
  66. Luminescence properties of cerium doped Y3Al5O12 nanopowders and nanoceramic
  67. Luminescence properties of zinc oxide nanopowders doped with Al ions obtained by the hydrothermal and vapour condensation methods.
  68. Luminescense of Nanosize ZrO2
  69. Measuring the Grain Size Distribution of Pr-doped Zirconia Nanopowders obtained by Microwave Driven Hydrothermal Synthesis
  70. Mechanical property of nano-TiO2 dispersed Al65Cu20Ti15 amorphous/nanocrystalline matrix bulk composite prepared by mechanical alloying and high pressure sintering
  71. Microstructure of Surface Layers of Raiways After Heavy Exploatation
  72. Microwave Driven Hydrothermal Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanopowders
  73. Microwave driven hydrothermal synthesis of iron oxide - the effect of process parameter on the properties of the nanopowders
  74. Microwave driven hydrothermal synthesis of Pr-doped zirconia nanopowders
  75. Microwave-Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanostructured Pr-Doped Zirconia Powders
  76. Microwave reactors for nanoparticle's synthesis
  77. Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of Nano Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
  78. Microwave solvothermal synthesis of resorbable nano-HAp with controlled grain size.
  79. Microwave Solvothermal Technology (MSS) for nanoparticle synthesis
  80. Microwave technique applied on the hydrothermal synthesis and sintering of calcia stabilized zirconia nanoparticles
  81. Molecular impurities in the luminescent ZnO nanocrystals
  82. Morphology of Al doped zinc oxide obtained by the vapour condensation method
  83. Morphology of Al-Doped Zinc Oxide Obtained by the Vapour Condensation Methods
  84. Morphology of Al doped Zinc Oxide Obtained using Hydrothermal and Vapour Condensation Methods
  85. MSS synthesis of highly biocompatible nano-HAP and coating of 3D poymer scaffolds
  86. Nanofotonika dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw - mapy dorogowe i analizy SWOT  najważniejszych technologii.
  87. Nanometrology as a tool for nanotechnology problems solving
  88. Nanosafety - challenge of nowadays
  89. Nanostructure Formation on the Surface of Railway Tracks and Wheelsets
  90. Nanotechnologia bezpieczna dla ludzi i przyjazna środowisku
  91. Nanotechnologie w gospodarce województwa podlaskiego
  92. Nasze wyniki, zdania i sposoby ich realizacji
  93. New hydroxyapatite based nanomaterials for potential use in medical fields
  94. Normal Grain Growth in 2-d Strips of Polycrystalline Aluminium Under High Pressure
  95. Novel optical oxygen sensor for life and health protection made of nano-zirconia
  96. Nowe mikrofalowe reaktory do syntez nanocząstek - wybrane zagadnienia badawcze i przykłady zastosowań
  97. Oferta zaawansowanych materiałów w perspektywie 5 - 20 lat
  98. Oferty nanoproszków - Laboratorium Nanostruktur, Instytut Wysokich Ciśnien PAN
  99. Opening of Nano-Bio-Med session
  100. Opening of the Thursday Sessions of NanoPl 2014
  101. Optical oxygen sensor for safe operation in hazardous areas
  102. Optimization of conditions of preparation of YAG nanopowders for sintering of translucent ceramics
  103. Optyczny sensor tlenu na bazie nanokrystalicznego ZrO2
  104. Otwarcie konferencji
  105. Otwarcie NanoInfoDay, Powitanie
  106. Application of XRD diffraction methods for determination of grain size distribution in nanoparticles

  107. Particle Size Distribution of ZrO2:Pr3+- Influences of pH, High Power Ultrasound, Surfactant and Dopant Quantity
  108. Combination of ECAP and Hydrostatic Extrusion for ultra-fine grain (UFG) microstructure generation in 99.98% nickel.

  109. Current trends in the development of metallic nanomaterials: results of a study carried out within the EC project Nanoroad SME

  110. Electrical properties of nanocrystalline ZrO2 at high-pressure

  111. High-pressure Induced Structural Decomposition of RE-doped YAG Nanoceramics

  112. Kinetic and thermodynamic factors leading to dissolution of cementite in pearlitic steel subjected to severe plastic deformation under pressure

  113. Mechanical properties and deformation behaviour of ultra-fine grained nickel.

  114. Microstructural Evolution in Mechanical Alloying and Hot Pressing of Aluminium and 316 Stainless Steel Powder Blend

  115. Podsumowanie
  116. Polish Nanotechnology Platform - a discussion group at Linked-In
  117. Polska  Platforma Nanotechnologii i zarys strategicznego programu "Nanotechnologia i wzrost inwestycji w B&R w Polsce"
  118. Optical investigations of RE-doped YAG nanoceramics

  119. Prediction of degree of localisation of misfit dislocation cores in intercrystalline interfaces based on interfacial adhesion

  120. Preparation and electrical properties of the BaTiO3 nanoceramics

  121. Precise determination of full Grain Size Distribution from diffraction peak profile as a result of kinematical theory of diffraction for polidispersive nanomaterials
  122. Preliminary research on zirconia based optical oxygen sensor
  123. Presentation of the  Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomaterials, CePT
  124. Pressure Effect on Grain Boundary Diffusion in Al Bicrystals
  125. Pressure Effect on Interface Energy, Diffusion and Reactions
  126. Procedury charakteryzacji nanoproszków
  127. Production of doped and non doped ceramics nanoparticles for optical applications
  128. Synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanomaterials with controlled luminescence properties

  129. Time-resolved luminescence of nanostructured ZnO

  130. Yttria stabilized zirconia nanocrystals luminescence

  131. Quo Vadis nanotechnology- for various stakeholders
  132. Reaction Diffusion in Metallic Systems under High Pressure
  133. Relaxation processes in ZrO2 at high pressures
  134. Scanning Electron Microscopy Investigations and Analysis of Nanostructures
  135. Solvothermal synthesis of doped nano zinc oxide for the project NanoFATE.
  136. Solvothermal synthesis of nonstoichiometric hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
  137. Solvothermal synthesis of nonstoichiometric hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
  138. Solwotermalna synteza domieszkowanego nano tlenku cynku dla projektu NanoFATE.
  139. Solwotermalna synteza domieszkowanego nanotlenku cynku dla projektu NanoFATE. Otrzymywanie wodnych nanozawiesin domieszkowanego tlenku cynku.
  140. Strain in Nanocrysttaline Powders of GaN and SiC as Measured by X-ray Diffraction
  141. Strategia rozwoju badań nanoproszków
  142. Structural and luminescence properties of yttrium-aluminum garnet (YAG) nanoceramics
  143. Structure, Morphology and Luminescence Properties of Pr-doped Nanocrystalline ZrO2 Obtained by Hydrothermal Method
  144. Study of undoped and doped zirconia nanocrystals luminescence
  145. Summary of activities of Working Group D30/003 "Synthesis and Processing of Nanopowders"
  146. SWOT analysis of various reactors used for synthesis of nanopwoders in our Working Group
  147. Synteza nano-ZnO przy pomocy reaktora Mettler Toledo w Laboratorium Nanostruktur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT.
  148. Synthesis of Al doped ZnO nanopowders and their enhanced luminescence
  149. Synthesis of doped ZnO nanopowders in microwave hydrothermal reactors
  150. Synthesis of highly biocompatible hydroxyapatite nanopowders
  151. Synthesis of nanopowders at elevated pressure and their characterisation - summary of work of the WG-002
  152. Synthesis of nanopowders in supercritical water in a continuous flow reactor
  153. Synthesis, sintering and properties of doped nanocrystalline powders of zirconia, zinc oxide and yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG)
  154. The comparison of the properties of YAG obtained by coprecipitation and SCR method
  155. The influence of ZrO2 containing 10% Eu 3+ on the polyurethane hard domain structure of nano-composites with luminescence properties
  156. The Strain Induced Cementite Dissolution in Carbon Steels-Experimental Facts and Theoretical Approach
  157. Time-Resolved Luminescence Characteristics of Doped YAG and YAP Nanopowders
  158. Welcome address
  159. Wpływ parametrów materiałowo-technicznych na właściwości optycznego czujnika tlenu na bazie nano-ZrO2
  160. Wykorzystanie metody NTA (Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis) w ocenie wielkości krążących mikrocząstek osocza i innych płynów fizjologicznych: pułapki i triki
  161. X-Ray investigations of the natural and artificial White Etching Layer
  162. Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet Synthesized in the Medium of Supercritical Fluids
  163. Zinc oxide nanopowders obtained by the microwave-hydrothermal route
  164. Zirconia-based nanomaterials for oxygen sensor - generation, characterisation and optical properties
  165. ZnFe2O4/ZnO core-shell particles obtained by coprecipitation route
  166. ZnO ceramic sintering and luminescence properties
  167. ZnO nanoparticles effect on integrity of human endothelial cells
  168. ZrO2:Tb nanopowders obtained by coprecipitation method
  169.   Optical oxygen sensor for safe operation  in hazardous areas


7 proper references found in the database.
Note that the list is for testing purposes and certainly incomplete!

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