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- Jacek Wojnarowicz

e-mail: ***
phone: +48-22-8760316


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Pressure Physics

address: Sokolowska 29/37, Warszawa, 01-142, Poland
phone: +48-22-6324302
fax: +48-22-6324218


Nanotechnologia PL

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-14


Nanotechnologia PL 2011

began: 2011-09-19
ended: 2011-09-19

Nanotechnologia PL 2011

Solwotermalna synteza domieszkowanego nano tlenku cynku dla projektu NanoFATE.


Warsaw and Karlsruhe Nanotechnology Day

began: 2011-09-22
ended: 2011-09-22

Warsaw and Karlsruhe Nanotechnology Day

Solvothermal synthesis of doped nano zinc oxide for the project NanoFATE.


Nano-Biotechnologia PL

began: 2012-09-17
ended: 2012-09-18

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Badanie stabilności i rozpuszczalności zawiesin z nano ZnO i nano ZnO:Co otrzymanych w  Laboratorium Nanostrutur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT

Nano-Biotechnologia PL

Solwotermalna synteza domieszkowanego nanotlenku cynku dla projektu NanoFATE. Otrzymywanie wodnych nanozawiesin domieszkowanego tlenku cynku.


Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

began: 2013-09-16
ended: 2013-09-19

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

[CEPT] Studies of solubility of nanoparticles and stability of their suspension

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

[CEPT] Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials in the Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomaterials

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

[CEPT] Solvothermal synthesis nano zinc oxide in  microwave reactor MSS2


Nano PL 2014

began: 2014-10-15
ended: 2014-10-18

Nano PL 2014

Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of High Quality Nanoparticles

Nano PL 2014

Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of Nano Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles

Nano PL 2014

Microwave Solvothermal Technology (MSS) for nanoparticle synthesis

Nano PL 2014

Zaawansowana Charakteryzacja Nanocząstek



began: 2015-07-14
ended: 2015-07-14


  1. Badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek i potencjału zeta w Laboratorium Nanostruktur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT
  2. Badanie stabilności i rozpuszczalności zawiesin z nano ZnO i nano ZnO:Co otrzymanych w  Laboratorium Nanostrutur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT
  3. Bioactive GoHAP nanoparticles and their applications in medical implants technology
  4. [CEPT] MSS synthesis of highly biocompatible nano-HAP with properties depending on the synthesis time.
  5. [CEPT] Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials in the Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomaterials
  6. [CEPT] Solvothermal synthesis nano zinc oxide in  microwave reactor MSS2
  7. [CEPT] Studies of nanoparticles size distribution
  8. [CEPT] Studies of solubility of nanoparticles and stability of their suspension
  9. Characterization of nanomaterials according to EU recommendations, on the example of ZnO nanoparticles
  10. Green Technology and Pilot Unit for Manufacturing of Ultra Clean Concentrated Colloids of Nano Metals
  11. Iinvestigation of nanoparticles by DSC-TG methods accompanied by chemical analysis of emitted gas
  12. Microwave reactors for nanoparticle's synthesis
  13. Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of High Quality Nanoparticles
  14. Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of Nano Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
  15. Microwave solvothermal synthesis of resorbable nano-HAp with controlled grain size.
  16. Microwave Solvothermal Technology (MSS) for nanoparticle synthesis
  17. MSS synthesis of highly biocompatible nano-HAP and coating of 3D poymer scaffolds
  18. Presentation of the  Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomaterials, CePT
  19. Solvothermal synthesis of doped nano zinc oxide for the project NanoFATE.
  20. Solvothermal synthesis of nonstoichiometric hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
  21. Solvothermal synthesis of nonstoichiometric hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
  22. Solwotermalna synteza domieszkowanego nano tlenku cynku dla projektu NanoFATE.
  23. Solwotermalna synteza domieszkowanego nanotlenku cynku dla projektu NanoFATE. Otrzymywanie wodnych nanozawiesin domieszkowanego tlenku cynku.
  24. Synteza nano-ZnO przy pomocy reaktora Mettler Toledo w Laboratorium Nanostruktur dla Fotoniki i Nanomedycyny CePT.
  25. Wykorzystanie metody NTA (Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis) w ocenie wielkości krążących mikrocząstek osocza i innych płynów fizjologicznych: pułapki i triki
  26. Zaawansowana Charakteryzacja Nanocząstek
  27. ZnO nanoparticles effect on integrity of human endothelial cells

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