17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy...

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Presenting person

August 13th, Tuesday

10:20 00:30:00 Invited oral Peter W. Dunne Size- and Shape-Controlled Continuous Flow Hydrothermal Synthesis of Inorganic Nanomaterials
10:50 00:30:00 Invited oral Anna Jawor-Baczynska Development of continuous crystallisation processes of pharmaceutical compounds to achieve better control over final product attributes
11:20 00:15:00 Oral Franca Jones Anionic, inorganic crystallization promoters - the curious case of sodium sulfite and sodium dithionate impacts on barium sulfate crystallization
11:35 00:15:00 Oral Srinivasan Karuppannan Nucleation control and separation of paracetamol polymorphs through swift cooling crystallization process
11:50 00:15:00 Oral Mercedes Ossorio Precipitation process and phase stability of calcium sulfate; The role of temperature, salinity and time of reaction
12:05 00:15:00 Oral Matthias Kellermeier Non-Classical Nucleation of Calcium Sulfate: A Novel View on the Origin of Scale Formation
14:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Helmut Coelfen Analysis of the early stages of crystallization processes
14:30 00:30:00 Invited oral Vitali A. Tatartchenko 90 years progress in shaped crystal growth
15:00 00:15:00 Oral Jeffrey J. Derby Toward Controlling Interface Shape during Bridgman Crystal Growth: Past, Present, and Future
15:15 00:15:00 Oral Martin P. Bellmann Numerical study of argon gas flow in a semi-industrial crystallization furnace for the production of multicrystalline silicon ingots 

August 15th, Thursday

10:20 00:30:00 Invited oral Lan Xiang Formation and Industrial Application of Dispersive Nano-particles and Whiskers*
10:50 00:30:00 Invited oral Hongyuan Wei Challenges in the scale-up of crystallisation from process and product development through to manufacturing
11:20 00:15:00 Oral Hans Erik Lundager Madsen Redox process catalysed by growing crystal – strengite, FePO4,2H2O, crystallizing from solution with iron(II) and hydroxylamine
11:35 00:15:00 Oral Srinivasan Karuppannan Studies on the effect of different operational parameters on the crystallization kinetics of α-lactose monohydrate single crystals in aqueous solution
11:50 00:15:00 Oral Diana M. Camacho Corzo Crystallisation mechanism and kinetics from polythermal methods: methyl stearate from kerosene solutions
12:05 00:15:00 Oral Kevin J. Roberts Precision measurement of the growth rate and growth mechanism of Ibuprofen (001) and (011) crystals spontaneously nucleated in stagnant supersaturated solutions examined as a function of Crystallization Environment
14:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Ken Lewtas Keeping a greener world on the move in winter: controlling crystallisation within fuels and biofuels in cold weather
14:30 00:15:00 Oral Geraldine Springuel Enantiospecific Cocrystallization, a New Method for Chiral Resolution.
14:45 00:15:00 Oral Umraan Hendricks Investigating Precipitation Kinetics of Sparingly Soluble Salts using Shock-Freeze TEM 
15:00 00:15:00 Oral Barbara M. Liszka A  pneumatic micro-fluidic system for in-situ detection  of mineralization with micro-Raman spectroscopy 
15:15 00:15:00 Oral Mikhail V. Mezhennyi The production of bulk thermoelectric materials based on bismuth and antimony chalcogenide solid solutions by hot extrusion
15:30 00:15:00 Oral Marcos Rodriguez-Pascual A novel stirred scraped wall crystallizer designed for melt and eutectic freeze crystallization 
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