SMCBS'2011 International Workshop

 on-line journal

Presenting person

November 4th, Friday

15:00 Arrivals and registration
19:00 Dinner

November 5th, Saturday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Introduction and Welcome
09:10 Morning Session 1 - Jeuken and Plumeré
09:10 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Maria Gabriela Almeida Research and Development of Enzyme based Electrochemical Biosensors. The case study of nitrite biosensing.
09:50 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Karolien De Wael Electrochemical biosensors: Gelatin as a biocompatible matrix for the incorporation of redox enzymes
10:10 00:15:00 Short communication Zhanhong Li Design of a highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor for methyl mercaptan detection
10:25 00:15:00 Short communication Gulnara Safina Novel platform for electrochemical sensors and biosensors based on on-chip functionalized vertically aligned carbon nanotubes
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 Morning Session 2 - Almeida and Safina
11:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Lars Jeuken Electrodes for integral membrane enzymes
11:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Nicolas Plumeré Fully active enzyme monolayers on electrode surfaces – Control of spatial distribution and protein orientation.
12:00 00:15:00 Short communication Lukasz Krzeminski Nitrite Reductase, an enzyme for which kinetics are different at rest than during turn over.
12:15 00:15:00 Short communication Christopher Schulz Influence of metal cations on the turnover rate of cellobiose dehydrogenase
12:30 00:15:00 Short communication Jens Wallys Photometric characterization of immobilized enzymes on GaN surfaces.
12:45 00:15:00 Short communication Stefano Frasca Gold Nanoparticles as Support for the Direct Electron Transfer and Catalysis of the Human Sulfite Oxidase
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Afternoon Session 1 - Gheber and Boukherroub
14:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Francis D'Souza Supramolecular Solar Cells
14:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Andrew L. Nelson Electrochemical Modelling of Nanoparticle Toxicity
15:00 00:15:00 Short communication Valentina Bonometti Poly-CPDT films decorated with dinuclear Re(I) complex chromophore pendants: electrochemical and spectroscopic properties
15:15 00:15:00 Short communication Agnieszka Podborska Surface-modified TiO2 in optoelectronics
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Afternoon Session 2 - D'Souza and Nelson
16:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Levi A. Gheber Systematic Miniaturization of Microarrays
16:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Rabah Boukherroub Droplet based lab-on-chip microfluidic microsystems for high sensitive mass spectrometry analysis
17:00 00:15:00 Short communication Liza Rassaei Electrochemical Nanofluidic Biosensors
17:15 00:15:00 Short communication Patrizia R. Mussini Inherently chiral conducting polymer electrodes 
17:30 00:15:00 Short communication Clement Comminges Surface modification of gold electrodes for a switchable biosensor
17:45 00:15:00 Short communication Wojciech Adamiak A role of phosphonium-phosphate ionic liquid in anion-sensing mechanism at toluene-modified electrode
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Poster Session
19:00 #1 Poster Marta Sosnowska Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) chemosensors for surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and differerntial pulse voltammetry (DPV) determination of melamine
19:00 #2 Poster Jan Pawłowski Tuning Electron Transmission Efficiency through Peptides: Modulation by Mechanically Induced Structural Changes
19:00 #3 Poster Bożena Sikora Designing biosensors based on semiconductor nanoparticles for an early detection of neurodegenerative diseases.
19:00 #4 Poster Bożena Sikora Synthesis and properties of NaYF4: Er, Yb, Gd nanoparticles with and without SiO2 coating for biomedical applications.
19:00 #5 Poster Maria Bosserdt Electrochemical behaviour of Cytochrome c immobilised in a poly-scopoletin layer
19:00 #6 Poster Liza Rassaei Mass transfer in Nanofluidic Devices embedded in a Microfluidic Channel
19:00 #7 Poster Maciej R. Karaśkiewicz Biofuel cell based on carbon nanotubes with covalently bonded laccase and glucose dehydrogenase embedded in cubic phase
19:00 #8 Poster Adriana Palinska Detection of supercoiled and linear plasmid DNA
19:00 #9 Poster Mathieu Etienne Electrochemically Assisted Sol-Gel Bioencapsulation on Carbon Nanotubes Network
19:00 #11 Poster Małgorzata Rajfur Algae Spirogyra sp. – biosensor of surface waters pollution with mercury
19:00 #12 Poster Adrianna Złoczewska Titanium dioxide nanotube and enzyme-enhanced photo-bio-fuel cell
19:00 #13 Poster Wissam Ghach Electrochemically Assisted Encapsulation of Bacteria in Sol-Gel Thin Films
19:00 #14 Poster Maria E. Yakovleva Deglycosylation of glucose oxidase by PNGase F
19:00 #15 Poster Kamrul Hasan Electrochemical communication between viable bacterial cells and flexible redox polymers
19:00 #16 Poster Christoph Wettstein Coupling of pyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH) with CytC/DNA multilayer electrodes
19:00 #17 Poster Anna Kutyła-Olesiuk Hybrid electronic tongue for the quality analysis of apple extracts
19:00 #18 Poster Inês Almeida Nanostructured gold surfaces for biosensing applications
19:00 #19 Poster Zuzana Garaiova The Study of  Physical Properties of Lipid Monolayers Composed of Amphiphilic Carotenoids
19:00 #20 Poster Marek K. Sobkowiak Conducting bipolymeric composite based on poly-pyrrole and alkoxysulfonated PEDOT. Synthesis and electrocatalytic properties
19:00 #21 Poster Maja Snejdarkova DNA-aptamers for thrombin detection by quartz crystal microbalance.
19:00 #22 Poster Izabela Kamińska Structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnAl2O4 nanoparticles co-doped with Er3+and Yb3+ prepared by combustion aerosol synthesis.
19:00 #23 Poster Jenny Bergman Electrochemical sensor based on a microarray of individually addressable chemically modified electrodes for insulin detection
19:00 #24 Poster Joanna E. Małecka Tetraazamacrocyclic copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes in host - guest systems.
19:00 #25 Poster Alexandra Poturnayová Molecular imaging of lipid layers containing calixarene-cytochrome c complexes
19:00 #26 Poster Alina N. Sekretaryova Reagentless Second Generation Biosensor Free of Covalent Mediator Linking
19:00 #27 Poster Karolina Witkowska Properties of DODAB/oleyl alcohol and DODAB/cholesterol monolayers and bilayers
19:00 #28 Poster Raoudha Haddad 3D bioarchitectures constructed on carbon cloth for the development of biofuel cells
19:00 #29 Poster Robert Ziółkowski Electrochemical uranyl biosensor with DNA oligonucleotides as receptor layer
19:00 #30 Poster Martyna Jańczyk Planar microsensors based on phenylboronic acid Self-Assembled Monolayers
19:00 #31 Poster Sunil A. Patil Exploitation of electrospun and solution blown three-dimensional carbon fiber nonwovens for microbial bioelectrocatalysis
19:00 #32 Poster Tan-Phat Huynh Electrochemically synthesized molecularly imprinted polymer for determination adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)
19:00 #33 Poster Alexander Lukhnovich Electroanalytical system based on lactate biosensor with preliminary concentration for non-invasive diagnostics
19:00 #34 Poster Lo Gorton Effect of deglycosylation of cellobiose dehydrogenase applied to 3rd generation biosensors and biofuel cells
19:00 #35 Poster Xiaoju Wang Direct electron transfer of Trametes hirsuta laccase in a dual-layer-architecture of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) films
19:00 #36 Poster Tomasz P. Rębiś PEDOT/Lignosulfonate polymer composites: synthesis and electroanalytical application
19:00 #37 Poster Anna Celebanska Ascorbic acid-oxygen biofuel cell and  zinc-oxygen cell based on carbon-silicate biocathode
19:00 #38 Poster Artur Fandrich Electrochemical observation of the thermally induced phase transition for a switchable polymer immobilised onto gold electrodes
19:00 #39 Poster Muhammad N. Zafar Electron transfer studies with different sugar oxidizing enzymes and osmium polymers to improve the current density
19:00 #40 Poster Krzysztof Stolarczyk Biofuel cell based on arylated carbon nanotubes
19:00 #41 Poster Devin Daems Oligonucleotide and aptamer derivatized surfaces in potentiometric sensors: preliminary results

November 6th, Sunday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Morning Session 1 - Bilewicz and Wollenberger
09:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Sergey Shleev Potentially implantable bioelectronic devices for biosensing and biofuel cell applications
09:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Paweł J. Kulesza Development of multifunctional bioelectrocatalytic films for oxidation of ethanol   
10:00 00:15:00 Short communication Leonard Stoica Hierarchical carbon nanotubes composite electrode – towards efficient enzymatic biocathodes based on direct electron transfer
10:15 00:15:00 Short communication Katarzyna Szot One-step electrodeposition of carbon–silicate sponge assisted by a three-phase junction for efficient bioelectrocatalysis
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Morning Session 2 - Shleev and Kulesza
11:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Renata Bilewicz Recent developments in enzymatic biofuel cells
11:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Ulla Wollenberger Enhancing heterogeneous electron transfer between enzymes and electrodes
12:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Fred Lisdat Arranging proteins in electro-active multilayer architectures
12:20 00:15:00 Short communication Magnus Falk Gold nanoparticle-modified enzyme-based sugar and oxygen sensitive electrodes for biosensing and biofuel cell applications
12:35 00:15:00 Short communication Katarzyna Arkusz The comparison of immobilization for glucose oxidase and  horseradish peroxidase on titania nanotube surface 
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Afternoon Session 1 - Blanchard and Etienne
14:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Arkady A. Karyakin Direct (mediator free) bioelectrocatalysis
14:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Elena V. Suprun Direct electron transfer for myoglobin detection in human blood plasma and diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction
15:00 00:15:00 Short communication Zuzana Garaiova Size and Zeta Potential of Lipid Vesicles with Incorporated Calixarenes at Presence of Cytochrome c and PAMAM Dendrimers 
15:15 00:15:00 Short communication Izabela Kamińska One-step reduction and functionalization of graphene oxide sheets using biomimetic dopamine derivatives
15:35 COFFEE
16:00 Afternoon Session 2 - Karyakin and Lisdat
16:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Gary J. Blanchard Organization and Dynamics within Supported Interfaces:  Implications for the Creation of Biomimetic Structures
16:40 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Karsten Haupt Micro and nanofabrication of molecularly imprinted polymer synthetic receptors for sensing applications
17:20 00:15:00 Short communication Bartłomiej Wasiniak Advantages and frontiers of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers – from fundamentals to application
17:35 00:15:00 Short communication Tan-Phat Huynh Molecularly imprinted polymer based electrochemical sensors for flow injection determination of adrenaline
18:00 Gala Dinner

November 7th, Monday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Excursion
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Afternoon Session 1 - Wadhawan and Nagels
14:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Uwe Schröder Microbial Fuel Cell: A fascinating technology and interdisciplinary challenge
14:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Claudia Nadejde Chemically modified nanoparticles surface for sensing bacterial loading - experimental study based on fluorescent signal
15:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Mathieu Etienne Hybrid Sol-Gel Materials for Bioelectrochemical Applications
15:35 Coffee Break
16:00 Afternoon Session 2 - Schröder and Gorton
16:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Fabio La Mantia Fundamentals in lithium ion batteries: effect of surface modification on the bulk process
16:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Luc J. Nagels Is it possible to study Interaction of molecules with sensor surfaces/components, using potentiometric “sensorgrams”?
17:00 00:15:00 Short communication Jay D. Wadhawan Liquid Crystal Battery Systems
17:15 00:15:00 Short communication Krzysztof Winkler Composites of electroactive fullerene-based polymer and carbon nanomaterials – good materials for supercapacitors
17:30 00:15:00 Short communication Jonathan Halls Redox Reactivity of Methylene Blue in the Pores of UMCM-1 Metal-Organic Frameworks
17:45 00:15:00 Short communication Grzegorz Milczarek Polymeric and nanostructured composites containing lignin derivatives
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Dance session

November 8th, Tuesday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Morning Session 1 - Marken and Krysiński
09:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Andrzej Lewenstam Electrochemical ion-sensors in clinical chemistry - challenges and perspectives                  
09:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Giovanna Marrazza New affinity biosensors as diagnostic tools for biomedical analysis
10:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Katherine B. Holt Redox Reactions at Nanodiamond Surfaces Revealed by Attenuated Total Reflectance InfraRed Spectroscopy
10:20 00:15:00 Short communication Krzysztof R. Noworyta Piezomicrogravimetric chemosensor for determination of selected alkaloids with dedicated porphyrin polymer film as recognition unit
10:35 Coffee break
11:00 Morning Session 2 - Lewenstam and Holt
11:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Paweł G. Krysiński Solid-core and hollow magnetic nanostructures: synthesis, surface modifications and biological applications
11:20 00:15:00 Short communication Peter Lamberg Comparison of techniques for determination of nanoparticle diameter
11:35 00:15:00 Short communication Marta Siek Electrodeposition method for preparing SERS- and LSPR-active platforms
11:50 00:15:00 Short communication Olga Święch Free-radical adsorption as a method of binding gold nanoparticles to gold electrode surfaces.
12:05 00:15:00 Short communication Katherine Lawrence Carbon Nanoparticle Surface Modification for Sensor Development
12:20 00:40:00 Tutorial lectore Frank Marken Impedance Methods in Electrochemistry
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Departure
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