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Epitaxial growth and characterization of zinc oxide nanorods obtained by the hydro-thermal method

Łukasz Wachnicki 1Bartłomiej S. Witkowski 1Sylwia Gierałtowska 1Aleksandra Wierzbicka 1Marek Godlewski 1,2

1. Instytut Fizyki PAN, Al. Lotnikow 32/46, Warszawa 02668, Poland
2. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, College of Science, Deptartment of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Warszawa, Poland


Zinc oxide which is a II-VI semiconductor with a 3.37 eV direct band gap at room temperature. This material has been extensively investigated in the past years for a large variety of potential applications. For example, it can be used in light-emitting diodes and transistors, or as a transparent conductive oxide in solar cells. ZnO is also a prospective material for sensor technology, where developed surface morphology is very important.

 ZnO nanostructures were grown by a hydro-thermal method at extremely low temperature of 50°C. We used deionized water and zinc acetate as an oxygen and zinc precursors, respectively. The gold on the surface nucleates growth of the ZnO nanorods. In reaction we used a mixture consisting of water, zinc acetate and sodium hydroxide. The latter is used as a pH regulator.  

 We present the influence of the process parameters on the growth of zinc oxide nanorods. The difference in crystalline quality and orientation of zinc oxide nanorods grown on various substrates like a gallium nitride, zinc oxide, silicon and silicon dioxide will be presented. Structural properties of the ZnO nanorods were characterized using X-ray Diffractiometer and Scanning Electron Microscope.


The research was supported by the European Union within European Regional Development Fund  through grant Innovative Economy (POIG. 01.01.02-00-108/09)


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Submitted: 2013-03-27 13:31
Revised:   2013-07-18 11:16