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prof Marek Godlewski



Instytut Fizyki PAN

address: Al. Lotnikow 32/46, Warszawa, 02668, Poland


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

began: 2003-09-15
ended: 2003-09-11

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

In-depth and in-plane profiling of InGaN-based laser diodes and heterostructures

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

Cathodoluminescence study of n-type doped GaN epilayers and GaN/InGaN quantum well structures

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

Compensation mechanisms in magnesium doped GaN


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

began: 2004-09-06
ended: 2004-09-10

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

Influence of n-type doping on light emission properties of GaN layers and GaN-based quantum well structures

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

Dynamics of spin interactions in II-Mn-VI semiconductors studied with time-resolved optically detected magnetic resonance


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

began: 2006-09-04
ended: 2006-09-08

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Luminescence of doped nanoparticles of wide band gap II-VI compounds

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Method of Manganese co-doping of LT ZnO films

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Photo-EPR studies of charge tunneling processes in CdxZn(1-x)Se:Fe,Cr (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) crystals


Joint Fith International Conference on Solid State Crystals & Eighth Polish Conference on Crystal Growth

began: 2007-05-20
ended: 2007-05-24


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

began: 2007-09-17
ended: 2007-11-30

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

How we can stimulate intra-shell emissions of rare earth and transition metal ions in thin films and in nanoparticles


Strategie Rozwoju Technologii Zaawansowanych Materiałów w Polsce

began: 2008-03-28
ended: 2008-03-28



began: 2008-04-09
ended: 2008-04-09



began: 2008-09-01
ended: 2008-09-01


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-18


17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

began: 2013-08-11
ended: 2013-08-16


Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

began: 2013-09-16
ended: 2013-09-19

Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

Quantum semiconductor nanostructures for applications in biology and medicine -development and commercialisation of new generation devices for molecular diagnostics on the basis of new Polish semiconductor devices


Nano PL 2014

began: 2014-10-15
ended: 2014-10-18

Nano PL 2014

Nanoparticles for medical imaging 


  1. Cathodoluminescence study of n-type doped GaN epilayers and GaN/InGaN quantum well structures
  2. Combining microwave and pressure techniques for hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO and ZrO2 nanopowders doped with a range of metal ions
  3. Compensation mechanisms in magnesium doped GaN
  4. Contactless electroreflectance of ZnSe layers grown by atomic layer epitaxy
  5. Dimethylzinc and diethylzinc as precursors for monocrystalline zinc oxide grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
  6. Doping of ZnO nanopowders with Mn and Cr in an ultrasound and microwave driven hydrothermal reaction
  7. Doping of ZnO nanopowders with Mn, Ni and Cr In an ultrasound and microwave driver hydrothermal reaction
  8. Dynamics of spin interactions in II-Mn-VI semiconductors studied with time-resolved optically detected magnetic resonance
  9. Effect of annealing on electrical properties of low temperature ZnO films
  10. Effect of annealing on the structure and microstructure of Pr doped ZrO2-Y2O3 nanocrystals
  11. Effects related to deposition temperature of ZnCoO films grown by Atomic Layer Deposition – uniformity of Co distribution, structural, electric and magnetic properties
  12. Electrical and optical properties of zinc oxide layers obtained by Atomic Layer Deposition
  13. Epitaxial growth and characterization of zinc oxide nanorods obtained by the hydro-thermal method
  14. Fe photoionization transition in ZnSSe:Fe crystals - photo-ESR studies
  15. Growth and characterization of thin films of ZnO by Atomic Layer Epitaxy
  16. Growth of zinc oxide and dielectric films using Atomic Layer Deposition method from organic precursors
  17. How we can stimulate intra-shell emissions of rare earth and transition metal ions in thin films and in nanoparticles
  18. Hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanorods for solar cells applications
  19. In-depth and in-plane profiling of InGaN-based laser diodes and heterostructures
  20. Influence of n-type doping on light emission properties of GaN layers and GaN-based quantum well structures
  21. Lokalne otoczenie atomów kobaltu w cienkich warstwach ZnCoO
  22. Low temperature ZnMnO by ALD
  23. Luminescence of CdMnTe Crystals in Magnetic Field
  24. Luminescence of doped nanoparticles of wide band gap II-VI compounds
  25. Luminescence properties of zinc oxide nanopowders doped with Al ions obtained by the hydrothermal and vapour condensation methods.
  26. Luminescent properties of wide bandgap materials at room temperature
  27. Mangan w warstwach ZnMnO hodowanych metodą osadzania warstw atomowych
  28. Method of Manganese co-doping of LT ZnO films
  29. Microwave conductivity of ZnO:Co and ZnO:Cu thin films with nano-size metallic Co/Cu inclusions.
  30. Nanoparticles for medical imaging 
  31. Optical and magnetic resonance investigations of ZnO crystals doped with transition metal ions
  32. Optical and ODMR study of GaN-based HEMT structures
  33. Photo-EPR studies of charge tunneling processes in CdxZn(1-x)Se:Fe,Cr (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) crystals
  34. Photo-ESR and optical studies of Cr photoionization transition in CdZnSe:Cr crystals
  35. Photoluminescence of ZnO films studied by femptosecond sapphire:Ti laser
  36. Photovoltaic cells based on nickel phthalocyanine and zinc oxide formed by atomic layer deposition
  37. Quantum semiconductor nanostructures for applications in biology and medicine -development and commercialisation of new generation devices for molecular diagnostics on the basis of new Polish semiconductor devices
  38. Resonant photoemission study of Sm atoms on ZnO surface
  39. Rezonansowe badania fotoemisyjne ferromagnetycznych warstw ZnCoO
  40. Synthesis of Al doped ZnO nanopowders and their enhanced luminescence
  41. Synthesis of doped ZnO nanopowders in microwave hydrothermal reactors
  42. Tb3+ ion luminescence enhancement in yttria host lattice obtained via microwave hydrothermal process
  43. The effect of annealing on properties of Europium doped ZnO nanopowders obtained by a microwave hydrothermal method
  44. Thin films of ZnS and ZnSe by Atomic Layer Deposition for light sensor applications
  45. Time-resolved ODMR investigations of II-VI based DMS heterostructures
  46. Two color spectroscopy of ZnSe:Cr
  47. Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors for optoelectronic applications
  48. Zinc oxide grown by Atomic Layer Deposition - a material for novel 3D electronics
  49. ZnMnO Films grown by Atomic Layer Deposition with uniform Mn distribution
  50. ZnO thin films for organic/inorganic heterojunctions

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