IX Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania...

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 26th, Monday

09:15 XX lat PTPS z perspektywy prezesów
09:45 LECTURE - Zbigniew Kaszkur
09:45 00:30:00 Invited oral Bożena Czerny Promieniowanie synchrotronowe prosto z nieba
10:15 00:30:00 Invited oral Miroslaw Gilski The first crystal structure of monomeric retroviral protease solved by online game players
10:45 COFFEE
11:00 LECTURE - Andrzej Kisiel
11:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Paweł Grochulski Status and the future of structural biology at the Canadian Light Source
11:30 00:30:00 Invited oral Jerzy B. Pełka Nowe metody obrazowania i nanokrystalografii z wykorzystaniem koherentnych femtosekundowych impulsów rentgenowskiego lasera na swobodnych elektronach
12:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Łukasz Hawełek Przemiana nanodiament-nanocebulki weglowe: badania metodą dyfrakcji wysokoenergetycznego promieniowania rentgenowskiego
12:30 LUNCH
14:00 LECTURE - Krystyna Ławniczak-Jabłońska
14:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Marek J. Stankiewicz SOLARIS – the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre at Jagiellonian University
14:30 00:30:00 Invited oral Grzegorz Wrochna POLFEL - A high average power free electron laser
15:00 COFFEE
15:15 POSTER
15:15 #1 Poster Anna Baranowska-Korczyc ZnO and core/shell ZnO/ZnS nanofibers: Characterization and applications
15:15 #2 Poster Marek Brancewicz Reconstruction of the 3D electron momentum density distribution in Mg by the maximum entropy method
15:15 #3 Poster Jolanta Darul Hydrothermal synthesis of layered double hydroxide-terephthalate intercalation compounds
15:15 #4 Poster Elzbieta Dynowska Monocrystalline character of ZnMgTe shell in the core-shell ZnTe/ZnMgTe nanowires
15:15 #5 Poster Olga Ermakova High-pressure diffraction study of structural and elastic properties of zircon-type and scheelite-type RVO4 (R = Nd, Eu)
15:15 #6 Poster Olga Ermakova Elastic properties of dysprosium orthovanadate: An in-situ powder-diffraction study
15:15 #7 Poster Elżbieta Guziewicz Rezonansowe badania fotoemisyjne ferromagnetycznych warstw ZnCoO
15:15 #8 Poster Dorota Klinger Damage of gallium arsenide created after irradiation by ultra-short VUV laser pulse
15:15 #9 Poster Marcin Kowalik  Electronic band structure and magnetic properties of   La2/3Pb1/3Mn2/3Fe1/3O3
15:15 #10 Poster Krystyna Lawniczak-Jablonska Optimization of technology for contact metallization in electronic devices - XRD and EXAFS studies
15:15 #11 Poster Krystyna Lawniczak-Jablonska Can we control the process of room temperature ferromagnetic clusters formation in GaMnAs matrix?
15:15 #12 Poster Krystyna Lawniczak-Jablonska Location of metals in ZnO electrospined nanofibers
15:15 #13 Poster Agnieszka Malinowska Synchrotron topographic studies of domain structure in Czochralski grown PrxLa1-xAlO3 crystals
15:15 #14 Poster Jakub K. Nowak Application of synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) to visualisation of petrified wood samples
15:15 #15 Poster Bronislaw A. Orlowski X-ray photoemission from CdTe/PbTe/CdTe nanostructure in normal and grazing-incidence modes
15:15 #16 Poster Wojciech Paszkowicz Thermal expansion of Si3N4 and Ge3N4
15:15 #17 Poster Anna Pietnoczka Local structure around Te in heavily doped GaAs:Te using X-ray absorption fine structure
15:15 #18 Poster Zuzanna Pietralik Studies of gemini surfactants as nanocarriers for siRNA
15:15 #19 Poster Zuzanna Pietralik Interactions between zwitterionic sufractants and DMPC
15:15 #20 Poster Zuzanna Pietralik Structural changes of DMPC bilayers induced by gemini surfactants
15:15 #21 Poster Anna Reszka Resonant photoemission study of Sm atoms on ZnO surface
15:15 #22 Poster Przemysław Romanowski Structural transformations of GaMnAs layer annealed under enhanced hydrostatic pressure
15:15 #23 Poster Wojciech Szuszkiewicz Low-temperature expansion of metastable Pb1-xCdxTe solid solution
15:15 #24 Poster Kazimierz Turzyniecki Proste wyjaśnienie mechanizmu powstawania promieniowania synchrotronowego
15:15 #25 Poster Aleksandra Wierzbicka Investigation of strain and lattice parameters distribution in epitaxial laterally overgrown InGaN/GaN structures 
15:15 #26 Poster Anna Wolska Mangan w warstwach ZnMnO hodowanych metodą osadzania warstw atomowych
15:15 #27 Poster Jerzy Antonowicz Atomic structure of Cu-Zr metallic glass assessed by EXAFS method and molecular dynamics simulations
15:15 #28 Poster Bogdan J. Kowalski Stany Mn 3d w paśmie walencyjnym Ga1-xMnxSb
15:15 #29 Poster Edyta Wierzbicka Characterization of the defect structure in gadolinium orthovanadate single crystals grown by the Czochralski method
15:15 #30 Poster Artem Shalimov The Rossendorf beamline BM20 at the ESRF: Overview and perspectives
15:15 #31 Poster Magdalena Murawska Studies of the structure and morphology of gold nanoparticles in solution by TEM, SAXS and UV-vis
15:15 #32 Poster Michał Taube Small angle X-ray scattering studies of Sgt1 protein from Hordeum vulgare
15:15 #33 Poster Wojciech Kida Structural changes of DPPC bilayers induced by gemini surfactants
15:15 #34 Poster Barbara Korczyc Ablacja i modyfikacja warstwy wierzchniej PVDF z wykorzystaniem promieniowania z zakresu EUV
15:15 #35 Poster Paweł Piszora Structural properties and compressibility of spinels: More questions than answers
15:15 #36 Poster Piotr Wilk Crystal structures of mouse thymidylate synthase in complexes with inhibitor
15:15 #37 Poster Łukasz Węgrzyński Badanie laserowo-plazmowego źródła EUV do modyfikacji powierzchni polimerów
15:15 #38 Poster Marcin R. Bartosik Solaris – National Synchrotron Radiation Centre
17:00 Walne Zebranie PTPS
18:30 BREAK

September 27th, Tuesday

09:00 LECTURE - Andrzej Burian
09:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Miroslaw Gilski Processing and analysis of synchrotron diffraction images of protein crystals
09:30 00:30:00 Invited oral Anna Wolska Absorpcja promieniowania synchrotronowego kluczem do tajemnic nanoświata
10:00 00:30:00 Invited oral Ryszard Sobierajski Krótkofalowe lasery na swobodnych elektronach - oddziaływanie impulsów z materią stałą
10:30 COFFEE
10:45 LECTURE - Bogdan Kowalski
10:45 00:30:00 Invited oral Jan Sędzik Nucleation, aggregation, crystallization and synchrotron radiation
11:15 00:30:00 Invited oral Iwona A. Kowalik Magnetyczna spektroskopia i spektro-mikroskopia na materiałach spintronicznych
11:45 00:30:00 Invited oral Dariusz Wardecki Zmiany mikrostruktury nanokryształów chromu pod wpływem wygrzewania – badania metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania synchrotronowego
12:15 00:15:00 Oral Katarzyna Wolska Investigation of iron and zinc oxidation state in different grades of human brain gliomas using XAFS spectroscopy 
12:35 LUNCH
14:00 LECTURE - Radosław Przeniosło/ Wojciech Paszkowicz
14:00 00:15:00 Oral Aleksandra Wierzbicka Influence of substrate on crystallographic quality of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures grown by MBE
14:20 00:15:00 Oral Wojciech Wierzchowski Evaluation of the depth extension of the damages induced by FLASH pulses in silicon crystals
14:40 00:15:00 Oral Krystyna J. Mazur Topographic and reflectometric investigation of 4H silicon carbide epitaxial layer deposited at various growth rates
15:00 00:15:00 Oral Jerzy M. Kubacki Badanie absorpcji rentgenowskiej i rezonansowej fotoemisji w cienkich warstwach SrTiO3 domieszkowanych żelazem
15:20 00:15:00 Oral Marcin Sikora Valence band of tungsten compounds probed using 2p5d RIXS
15:40 00:15:00 Oral Aleksandra M. Drzewiecka Struktura nowych kompleksów miedzi(II) i cynku(II) z pochodnymi benzofuranu – badania z wykorzystaniem absorpcji i dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego
16:00 00:15:00 Oral Iwona Sankowska X-ray measurements of type II InAs/GaSb superlattice in a wide angular range using the P08 beamline at PETRAIII
16:20 00:15:00 Oral Anna Wolska Lokalne otoczenie atomów kobaltu w cienkich warstwach ZnCoO
16:40 COFFEE
17:00 Workshops
20:00 BREAK
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