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Defect structure of silicon crystals implanted with nitrogen - a study of Si:N annealed under high hydrostatic pressure. |
Kamila Orlinska 2, Adam Adikimenakis 4, Patrik Vagovic 3, Andrzej Misiuk 1 |
1. Institute of Electron Technology (ITE), al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa 02-668, Poland |
Abstract |
Implantation - induced amorphisation near projected range of implanted ions (Rp) in implanted semiconductors is accompanied by changed volume and density of the host matrix and by swelling of the damaged area. The formation of buried insulating layer inside Si wafers by oxygen implantation and subsequent annealing at high temperature is widely used in silicon-on-insulator (SIMOX) technology [1, 2]. Similar structures can be possibly prepared by implantation of nitrogen, so Si:N deserves investigation in this respect. Enhanced hydrostatic pressure of ambient gas at annealing of Cz-Si:N significantly influences its properties [3]. In this work we investigate the effect of high pressure (HP) – high temperature (HT) treatment on the defect structure of Si:N prepared by nitrogen implantation into Cz-Si, with nitrogen doses of 1x1017 and 1x1018 cm-2. After implantation, the samples were HT - HP treated at up to 1400 K under hydrostatic Ar pressure up to 1.1 GPa for 5 hours. The structural properties of Si:N, before and after the HP-HT treatment, were investigated in the double and triple axis configurations, using the high-resolution X-ray X’Pert Philips diffractometer. Enhanced hydrostatic pressure of ambient gas at annealing of Si:N results in the strain modification and/or in defect structure changes dependent on pressure and temperature during the treatment. In the HT - HP treated samples the changed strain and defect structure were detected by determination of the FWHM values and of diffuse scattering intensity. Explanation of the HT - HP effect on the microstructure of treated Cz-Si:N will be proposed. [1] I.H. Wilson, Nucl. Instrum. Meth., 81 (1984) 331. [2] J. Margail, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 74 (1993) 41. [3] J. Bak-Misiuk, A. Misiuk, A. Shalimov, J. Ratajczak, B. Surma, G. Gawlik, Solid State Phen. 95-96 (2004) 343. |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium F, by Kamila Orlinska Submitted: 2005-05-19 14:47 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |