E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 5th, Monday

14:00 Highly transparent laser ceramics - Wiesław Stręk - Main Building, room 206
14:00 00:45:00 invited oral Ken-ichi Ueda

Current status of laser ceramic research: technology, characterization and apllication

14:45 00:30:00 invited oral Alexander A. Kaminskii

Nonlinear properties of crystalline laser ceramics based on cubic oxides

15:15 00:15:00 oral Yoel Rabinovitch

Recent progress in the synthesis of transparent laser ceramics

15:50 Monday Poster Session
15:50 #LCS-1 poster Artur Bednarkiewicz

Index of Refraction for Nano-Ceramic Materials

15:50 #LCS-2 poster Joanna Cybinska

Excited states dynamics in the ternary ytterbium halides

15:50 #LCS-3 poster Maria J. Gomes

Optical study of PLZT films on Al2O3 substrate

15:50 #LCS-4 poster felipe manuel rosa gonzalez

Analysis of the optical properties of Pr3+-Yb3+ ions in codoped transparent oxyfluoride glass ceramics. Application for 1300 nm optical amplifier

15:50 #LCS-5 poster Malgorzata Guzik

Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of lutetium double phosphates doped by ytterbium ions

15:50 #LCS-6 poster Vasilii A. Konyushkin

Yttrium oxide nanoparticles preparation

15:50 #LCS-7 poster Zdzislaw M. Librant

Preparation and sintering of nanometric oxides and YAG powders derived from nitrates by precipitation and co-precipitatin method

15:50 #LCS-8 poster Maria Luisa Saladino

Co-precipitation synthesis of Nd:YAG nanopowders: the effect of joint thermal and mechanical treatment

15:50 #LCS-9 poster Madalina L. Popescu

New routes for the synthesis of Al-doped ZnO transparent nanomaterials

15:50 #LCS-10 poster Małgorzata Małecka

Synthesis and interaction of lanthanide oxide nanoparticles of with amorphous SiO2.

15:50 #LCS-11 poster Robert Pązik

Preparation and electrical properties of the BaTiO3 nanoceramics

15:50 #LCS-12 poster Claude J. Monty

Preparation and characterisation by XRD and TEM of ZnO based magnetic helionanos

15:50 #LCS-13 poster Thangadurai Paramasivam

Electrical Conductivity of Cubic/Tetragonal Phase Stabilized Nanocrystalline La2O3 doped ZrO2

September 6th, Tuesday

09:00 Highly transparent laser ceramics (part 2) - Alexander A. Kaminskii - Main Building, room 206
09:00 00:30:00 invited oral Akio Ikesue

Ceramic Lasers of Normal and Composite Type

09:30 00:30:00 invited oral Kazunori Takaichi

Yb-doped laser ceramics and the laser oscillations

10:00 00:15:00 oral Hideki Yagi

Highly transparent YAG ceramics

10:15 00:15:00 oral Yikun Liao

Preparation and spectroscopic properties of LuAG:Tm and LuSAG: Tm

14:00 Glass-ceramics lasers - Ken-ichi Ueda - Main Building, room 206
14:00 00:30:00 invited oral Michel Mortier

Glass-ceramics and ceramics: new opportunities for laser materials

14:30 00:15:00 oral Fernando Lahoz

Optical properties of rare earth doped oxyfluoride glass-ceramics

14:45 00:15:00 oral Alexander M. Malyarevich

Stimulated emission from cobalt-containing glass ceramics

15:00 00:15:00 oral Nina Mironova-Ulmane

Concentration dependence of Ni2+ luminescence in MgO

15:15 00:15:00 oral Gianguido Baldinozzi

Characterization of radiation defects in transparent oxides

15:50 Nanostructured ceramics and powders - Witold Łojkowski - Main Building, room 206
15:50 00:30:00 invited oral Takunori Taira

Ceramic micro solid-state lasers

16:20 00:20:00 invited oral Wiesław Stręk

Optical investigations of RE-doped YAG nanoceramics

16:40 00:15:00 oral Donats Millers

Yttria stabilized zirconia nanocrystals luminescence

16:55 00:15:00 oral Larisa Grigorjeva

Time-resolved luminescence of nanostructured ZnO

17:10 00:15:00 oral Yurii Kopylov

Nd:Y2O3 nanopowders for laser ceramics

17:25 00:15:00 oral Vladimir I. Solomonov

The Luminescent Investigation of Laser Nanomaterials Nd: Y2O3 and Nd :YAG.

17:40 00:15:00 oral Robert R. Piticescu

Synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanomaterials with controlled luminescence properties

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