E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

 on-line journal

Presenting person
E-1 Claudiu Valentin Suciu

Theoretical investigation of the surface roughness effect on the contact angle hysteresis which occurs at the water adsorption/desorption in/from a hydrophobized mesoporous silica gel matrix

E-2 Vasil P. Yashchuk

Vesicular Polymeric Films as High-Efficiency Active Media for the Random Lasers

E-3 Piotr Zapart

Applications of quantitative image analysis to the description of the morphology of hybrid polyurethane with modified boehmite

E-4 Shu-Mei Chang

Metal oxide hybrid UV-curable painting for anti-static film

E-5 Ida Dulińska

Applications of quantitative image analysis to the description of the morphology of hybrid polyurea-nitryle-urethanes

E-6 Joanna Cabaj

Novel conjugated nanomaterials based on pyrimidine structures - synthesis and physicochemical profile

E-7 Xavier Le Guével

A new sensing nanostructured material for nitroaromatics detection

E-8 Bartłomiej J. Waśniewski

Thermal stability of hybrid polyurethane and modified boehmite

E-9 Judita Puišo

Investigation of metal polymer nanocomposites

E-10 Joanna E. Siejka - Kulczyk

Evaluation of degradation degree of dental hybrid composite used as permanent fillings

E-11 Marcin Jędrzejczyk

Properties of hybrid polyurea-nitryle-urethanes

E-12 Jolanta Rosinska

Nanocomposite binders for powder coatings

E-13 Nattawood Samoth

Comparative study of different solvents on preparative Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation of HDPE

E-14 Rungaroon Saelim

Preparation of Natural rubber/Polypyrrole/Clay Composites by Chemical Oxidative Polymerization

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