E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

 on-line journal

Presenting person
D-1 Ruslana M. Balabay

Total energy and electronic structure of the ZnO nanotips: ab initio calculation

D-2 Beata B. Brodowska

Anomalous Hall Effect in IV-VI semimagnetic semiconductors

D-3 Piotr Dziawa

Ferromagnetic (Eu,Gd)Te/PbTe semiconductor heterostructures

D-4 Alexander K. Kalagin

Negative magnetoresistance of a high-mobility 2D electron gas in a GaAs quantum well with AlAs/GaAs superlattice barriers in a nonlinear regime

D-5 Leszek Kowalczyk

Magnetization study of interlayer exchange in semiconductor EuS-PbS ferromagnetic wedge multilayers

D-8 Stanisław Lipiński

Spin versus orbital Kondo effect in a set of electrostatically coupled quantum dots

D-9 Victor F. Los

Self-consistent (CPA) theory of scattering at disordered interfaces in layered nanostructures

D-10 Tadeusz E. Luciński

Spacer layer properties in antiferromagneticaly coupled Fe/SixFe1-x

D-11 Yuansu Luo Oscillation of tunneling current in CMR-manganite tunnel junctions
D-12 Andrius Maneikis

Oxide Heterostructures Based on Fe3O4 Thin Films

D-13 Goiran Michel

Raman spectroscopy and magnetic properties of bulk ZnO:Co single crystal.

D-14 M. Misiorny

Indirect tunneling between ferromagnetic electrodes

D-15 Alexander I. Morosov

Size effects in thin antiferromagnetic layers and "ferromagnet - nonmagnetic metal" multilayers

D-16 Elena S. Olivetti

Fabrication and characterisation of arrays of submicrometric magnetic dots

D-17 Alessandro Chiolerio

Effect of interface roughness on the magnetotransport behaviour of NiO/Co/Cu/Co bottom spin valves

D-18 Igor P. Ostrovskii

Magnetic susceptibility of Si-Ge whiskers

D-19 Bertrand Raquet

Experimental evidence of the spin-dependence of electrons reflections in magnetic multilayers

D-20 Umberto Scotti di Uccio

Effect of strain in LSMO epitaxial films with different crystallographic orientation

D-21 O. Yu. Semchuk

Formation of cooper islands on surface of thermoelectric semiconductors Cu2Se under laser treatment

D-22 Zbigniew Śniadecki

Magnetoresistance and magnetization processes in the helimagnetic compound DyMn6Ge6 and in related alloys Dy(Mn6Ge6)1-x(Fe6Al6)x

D-23 Saki Sonoda

Study on Ferromagnetism of GaMnN

D-24 Feliks Stobiecki

Interlayer coupling in Ni-Fe/Au/Co/Au multilayers

D-25 Bogdan Szymański

GMR Spin Valve with alternating in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy

D-26 Joao Ventura

Thermopower in nano specular spin valves

D-27 Malgorzata Wawrzyniak

Transport properties of a single level quantum dot in external magnetic field

D-28 Michal Wilczynski

Electron Transport Through Nanoscopic Spin Valves

D-29 Justyna Wiśniewska

Torque due to spin-polarized current in ferromagnetic single-electron transistors with non-collinear magnetizations

D-30 Tadeusz Wosiński

Giant planar Hall effect in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As layers

D-31 Tadeusz Wosiński

Magneto-conductance through nanoconstriction in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As film

D-32 Wang Yi

Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO Bulk Induced by Hydrogenation

D-33 Alexei Petroutchik

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cr/Gd Multilayers Deposited on Sapphire and MgO Substrates

D-34 Józef Barnaś

Spin dependent tunneling through a quantum dot attached to ferromagnetic electrodes with non-collinear magnetizations

D-35 Józef Barnaś

Spin-valve effect in double-barrier systems with noncollinearly polarized magnetic barriers: linear response regime

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