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Nanoindentation of heterogeneous n-carbon films containing Ni nanocrystals |
Elzbieta Czerwosz 1,4, Asta Richter 2, Piotr Dłużewski 3, Mirosław Kozłowski 1,3, Marek Nowicki 5 |
1. Industrial Institute of Electronics (PIE), Dluga, Warszawa 00-241, Poland |
Abstract |
Composite films of nano-size nickel grains embedded in a nanocarbon (n-carbon) or amorphous carbon matrix were synthesized by a two source PVD evaporation process of C60 fullerenes and Ni acetate. The structure of the nanocomposite films were characterised by SPM methods, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAD), X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis and atomic force microscopy. Correlations with deposition parameters and typical structure changes are found. The Ni metallic component leads to bi-layered structures of the film and changes its mechanical properties comparing with the carbonaceous matrix properties. The tribological properties were studied using a HYSITRON Triboscope (electrostatic transducer) attached to a Scanning Force Microscope and controller Nanoscope IV. Single and multi-cycling indentation are used to study the depth dependent hardness and indentation modulus. Pop-ins reflects the layered nano-sturcture. |
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Presentation: Oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Symposium J, by Asta Richter Submitted: 2007-05-21 20:42 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |