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Lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic status in lead exposed workers.

Sławomir Kasperczyk 1Aleksandra Kasperczyk 1Alina B. Ostałowska 1Jolanta E. Zalejska-Fiolka 1Tomasz J. Wielkoszyński 2Elżbieta Świętochowska 3Ewa Birkner 1

1. Śląska Akademia Medyczna Zakład Biochemii Ogólnej Katedry Biochemii (ŚAM), Jordana 19, Zabrze 41-808, Poland
2. Śląska Akademia Medyczna, Katedra i Zakład Chemii w Zabrzu- Rokitnicy, Jordana 19, Zabrze 41-808, Poland
3. Śląska Akademia Medyczna Zakład Biochemii Klinicznej Katedry Biochemii (ŚAM), Jordana, Zabrze 41-808, Poland


Many of experimental and clinical researches indicate that exposure to lead (Pb) may cause oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant status. Previously it has been found disturbances in activity of antioxidant enzymes. The study was undertaken to determine the effect lead exposure to non-enzymatic status in human.

The study population included workers from smelting works of zinc and lead. Blood lead level (PbB) and concentration of zincprotoporphirin (ZPP) was used to evaluate a degree of exposure. Workers occupationally exposed to lead (n=140) were divided into three subgroups depend on degree of lead expose with very low (PbB=20-30 μg/dl), medium (PbB=30-40 μg/dl) and high exposure (PbB>40 μg/dl). Control group was healthy volunteers with normal levels of PbB and ZPP in blood. Samples of blood was taken.

To evaluate non-enzymatic status it has been determinated concentration of albumin, bilirubin, urinary acid, ceruloplasmin, vitamin A and E (by high performance liquid chromatography - HPLC), ferric-reducing/antioxidant power of the plasma (FRAP) and fluorometrically measured determination of lipid peroxidation as malondialdehyde (MDA) in plasma serum.

The albumin concentration and vitamin A and E decreased in lead exposed group while the urinary acid, ceruloplasmin and MDA increased especially in high lead exposure in human. It seems that supplementation of E and A vitamins may improve non-enzymatic status in workers exposed to lead.


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See On-line Journal of Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego

Submitted: 2007-04-30 23:04
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44