SMCBS'2007 International Workshop

 on-line journal

Presenting person

November 4th, Sunday

12:00 Registration and Lunch - Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
14:00 1st Bus Departure to Wlodowice - Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
15:00 2nd Bus Departure to Wlodowice - Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
19:30 Dinner

November 5th, Monday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Session 1 - R. Boukheroub , K. Maksymiuk
09:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Wolfgang Schuhmann Scanning electrochemical microscopy - a tutorial lecture
09:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Mathieu Etienne Shearforce-based distance control in scanning electrochemical microscopy
10:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Scott D. Wolter Porphyrination of III-V compound semiconductor surfaces for detection of exhaled breath indicators of physiological status
10:20 00:15:00 Short communication Federico Tasca Increasing Biosensor Sensitivity by Length Fractionated Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes
10:35 Coffee break
10:55 Session 2 - F. Marken, M. Etienne
10:55 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Paweł J. Kulesza Electrocatalysis and Bioelectrocatalysis at Network Films of Metal Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanostructures
11:35 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Sabine Szunerits Electrochemical and Photochemical Patterning of Oxidized Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes
11:55 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Renate L. Naumann Proteins in biomimetic surface architectures
12:15 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Bengt Danielsson Bioanalytical studies based on lectin-carbohydrate interactions measured by QCM and SPR techniques
12:35 00:15:00 Short communication Gilbert Nöll Selective Photorelease of Active Chemicals Locked by the Flavoprotein Dodecin
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Session 3 - S. Szunerits, A. Michalska
14:30 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Andrzej Lewenstam A new approach to theoretical modeling of membrane potential
15:10 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Luc J. Nagels Surface Potentials: the Unexplored Way to Develop Sensors for Small Organic Ions and Large Biomolecules
15:30 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Johan Bobacka Potentiometric Ag+-sensors based on conjugated polymers
15:50 00:15:00 Short communication Przemysław Bieganowski Miniature planar ion selective chloride electrodes and their application to blood serum analysis
16:05 Coffee break
16:30 Session 4 - R. Naumann, A. Lewenstam
16:30 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Michael Bron Surface Modification of Carbon Materials for Electrocatalysis: From Catalyst Development to the Hierarchical Build-up of Electrode Structures
16:50 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Jan Labuda Nanomaterials at the surface of chemical sensors
17:10 00:15:00 Short communication Ayodele O. Okunola Metalloporphyrin modified glassy carbon electrodes for oxygen reduction: Investigation of local electrocatalytic activity
17:25 00:15:00 Short communication Gulnara Safina Novel lectin-based quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for the identification of the pathogenic bacteria
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Poster session
19:15 #1 Poster Wojciech Adamiak Driving ion transfer across the toluene (trihexyl(tetradecyl)-phosphonium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluoro-phosphate) | water (electrolyte) interface with the MnTPP(III/II) redox system
19:15 #2 Poster Mandana Amiri Determination of Dopamine in Presence of Ascorbate in Ultrathin Carbon Nanoparticle Composite Film Electrodes
19:15 #3 Poster Beata Baranowska Incorporation of RuSex/C within nanostructural Ir matrices to enhance oxygen reduction
19:15 #4 Poster Anna Basa Adsorption of As(III) and As(0) on the gold microelectrode
19:15 #5 Poster Anastasiya Borisova Synthesis of electroactive films of Prussian Blue: improvement of selectivity and stability of the advanced H2O2 transducer.
19:15 #6 Poster Sonia Centi A new class of receptors for the development of biosensors: aptamers for clinical bio-markers
19:15 #7 Poster Vasile Coman Electrical Wiring of Living Bacillus subtilis Cells Using Flexible Osmium-Redox Polymers
19:15 #9 Poster Maciej T. Gorzkowski Electrochemical oscillations and bistability in the redox processes of mercury ions, coupled with the self-induced convection of Hg surface.
19:15 #10 Poster Stéphanie Goubert-Renaudin Cu(II) detection at a carbon paste electrode modified by amorphous and ordered cyclam-functionalized mesoporous silica
19:15 #11 Poster Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka Bioelectrocatalytic dioxygen reduction at carbon nanotubes – silicate composite film modified electrode
19:15 #12 Poster Katarzyna A. Karnicka Enzymatic carbon nanotube based composite electrodes for dioxygen reduction
19:15 #13 Poster Thiago Kohls Electrochemiluminescence of Langmuir-Blodgett films of Nafion
19:15 #14 Poster Barbara Kowalewska Multifunctional bio-electrocatalytic systems for reduction of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide
19:15 #15 Poster Adam Lesniewski Covalently bonded ionic liquid modified electrodes
19:15 #16 Poster Monika Łyczewska Tailoring polyacrylate based membranes for anion-sensing purposes
19:15 #17 Poster Paweł Malinowski Application of polyaniline nanoparticles in electrochemical and optical urea biosensors
19:15 #18 Poster Artjom Maljusch Visualisation of local catalyst activity towards oxygen reduction in hydrochloric acid solution with RC-SECM
19:15 #19 Poster Frank Marken Electrochemical Processes at Electrodes in Microwave Fields
19:15 #21 Poster Jan Migdalski Potentiometric response of copper-sensitive sensors based on PEDOT-Arsenazo films.
19:15 #22 Poster Grzegorz Milczarek Ultrathin films derived from lignins as multifunctional electrocatalysts
19:15 #23 Poster Ewa Nazaruk A glucose/O2 biofuel cell based on electrodes modified with liquid-crystalline cubic phases
19:15 #24 Poster Beata Paczosa-Bator Investigation of the influence of polymeric membrane composition on the ion transport properties by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
19:15 #25 Poster Adriana Palinska Electrochemical screen printed graphite sensor in investigation of interactions between methylene blue and DNA
19:15 #26 Poster Paweł Pawłowski Galvanostatic polarization of all-solid-state K+ selective electrodes with polypyrrole ion-to-electron transducer
19:15 #27 Poster Katarzyna Pękala Anomalous potentiometric response of the platinum electrode in the oscillatory processes with hydrogen peroxide
19:15 #28 Poster Wojciech Pudło Materials with multimodal hierarchical porosity
19:15 #29 Poster Marta Ratter Bi-functional electrocatalytic systems for oxygen reduction in acid medium
19:15 #30 Poster Iwona A. Rutkowska Application of Inorganic Redox - Conducting Solids As Charge Relays in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
19:15 #31 Poster Magdalena Skunik Electrochemical charging of carbon nanotubes modified with polyoxometallates monolayers
19:15 #32 Poster Adam Sokołowski Photochemistry and photophysics on the metallic surface
19:15 #33 Poster Dariusz Szmigiel Surface properties of silicone rubber for sensor applications
19:15 #34 Poster Matthew J. Thomasson Sporopollenin as a naturally-selected molecular wire
19:15 #35 Poster Urszula E. Wawrzyniak Redox processes of dithiolated tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of Ni(II) and Cu(II) in solution and immobilized on gold electrodes
19:15 #36 Poster Albin Wiśniewski Non-additivity of faradaic currents associated with the parallel reduction of some metal cations and hydrogen ion at the mercury electrode
19:15 #37 Poster Monika Wysocka-Żołopa Electrochemical oxidation of [IrX2(CO)2]¯ (X = Cl, Br, and I) complexes
19:15 #38 Poster Eugene Yashina Prussian Blue based planar biosensor for lactate
19:15 #39 Poster Martina Zamuner High sensitivity immunosensors based on nanoelectrode ensembles
19:15 #40 Poster Ievgen Obraztsov Electrochemical polymerisation and electrocatalytic properties of structured selected aminophenyl derivatives of some metalloporphyrins
19:15 #41 Poster Piotr Pieta Preparation and selected properties of composites of the C60-Pd conducting polymer and soluble single-wall carbon nanotubes
19:15 #42 Poster Agnieszka Pietrzyk Development of a histamine acoustic sensor using film of molecularly imprinted polymer prepared by electrochemical co-polymerisation of bis(bithiophene) derivatives
19:15 #43 Poster Louise A. Evans Ferrocene Liquid Crystals for Electroanalysis

November 6th, Tuesday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Excursion
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Session 5 - C.L. Schauer, M. Bron
14:30 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Lo Gorton Anode and cathode reactions for biofuel cells based on direct electron transfer reactions between biological components and electrodes
15:10 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Donal Leech Mediated enzyme reactions: coupling biological electron transfer to electrodes with redox complexes
15:30 00:15:00 Short communication Kevin Foster Modification of electrode surfaces with redox complexes for biosensor and biofuel cell applications
15:45 00:15:00 Short communication Krzysztof Stolarczyk Nanostructured Carbon Electrodes For Oxygen Reduction Catalyzed By Laccase Without any Mediators
16:00 Coffee break
16:25 Session 6 - A. Karyakin, S.D. Wolter
16:25 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Karsten Haupt Biochips and Acoustic Biosensor Arrays Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
17:05 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Agata J. Michalska Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) aided insight into ion-sensing membranes
17:25 00:15:00 Short communication Francesca Berti Aligned carbon nanotube thin films for genosensor development
17:40 00:15:00 Short communication Wojciech Nogala Scanning electrochemical microscopy study of laccase embedded in sol-gel processed silicate film
17:55 00:15:00 Short communication Krzysztof R. Noworyta Polymer film-coated high electron mobility transistors, based on GaN heterostructures, as sensors for some benzene derivatives
19:00 Dinner

November 7th, Wednesday

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Session 7 - J. Wadhavan, M. Gratzl
09:00 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Jerzy P. Lukaszewicz Chemical and physical functionalization targeting at the application of carbon-based materials as chemical sensors
09:40 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Paweł G. Krysiński Synthesis, size-sorting and surface modification of magnetic nanoparticles
10:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Krzysztof Maksymiuk All-solid-state ion-selective electrodes with conducting polymer transducer under conditions of galvanostatic polarization
10:20 00:15:00 Short communication Monika Maciejewska Determination of optimum imaging contrast in AC - SECM
10:35 Coffee break
11:10 Session 8 - E. Ferapontowa, P. Krysinski
11:10 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Gary J. Blanchard Understanding and Controlling Curvature and Intermolecular Interactions in Biomimetic Membranes
11:50 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Miklos Gratzl Micro-electrochemistry for enzyme and cellular transport studies
12:10 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Ewa M. Rogalska Calixarene - lipid monolayers: towards enzymatic engineering of lipid membranes.
12:30 00:15:00 Short communication Monika J. Dominska Probing interfacial organization in planar lipid bilayers using tethered pyrene
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Session 9 - G. Blanchard, E. Rogalska
14:30 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Frank Marken Liquid-Liquid Ion-Transfer Electrochemistry at Stationary and at Flowing Triple Phase Boundaries
15:10 00:15:00 Short communication Najoua Katif Electrocatalytic Sulphite Detection at a Liquid-Liquid-Solid Three-Phase Boundary Electrode Sensors
15:25 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Leif Nyholm On- and off-chip electrochemistry coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry
15:45 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Rabah Boukherroub Analyte capture and desorption/ionization mass spectrometry analysis on porous silicon and silicon nanowires
16:05 00:15:00 Short communication Francisco A. Aguiar Conical recessed gold microelectrode arrays produced during photolithographic methods: Characterisation and causes
16:20 Coffee break
16:45 Session 10 - K. Skorupska, G. Blanchard
16:45 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Arkady A. Karyakin Electrochemical sensors based on nano-scaled films and arrays of electroactive polymers. Towards nano-electroanalysis.
17:25 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Miroslav Fojta Electrochemical sensing of DNA damage
17:45 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Elena E. Ferapontova Electrochemical DNA biosensors for label-free detection of nucleic acids exploiting DNA conformational transitions upon hybridization event
18:05 00:15:00 Short communication Magdalena Gebala Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for detection of DNA hybridization in presence of intercalators
18:20 00:15:00 Short communication Zbigniew J. Stojek Modification of gold microelectrodes for detection of DNA hybridization
19:00 Dinner

November 8th, Thursday

07:30 Breakfast
08:25 Session 11 - W. Schumann, J. Bobacka
08:25 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Francis D'Souza Mimicking Photosynthesis by Supramolecular Donor-Acceptor Nanostructures: Design to Devices
09:05 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Alain Walcarius Electro-assisted generation of sol-gel thin films directed to electrochemical sensing
09:25 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Katarzyna Skorupska Adsorption of biomolecules on self-organized nanostructured semiconductor surfaces
09:45 Coffee break
10:00 Session 12 - F. de Souza, M. Fojta
10:00 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Caroline L. Schauer Surface modification with polysaccharides for chemical sensing
10:20 00:20:00 Keynote lecture Maciej Mazur Immobilization of molecules: From self-assembled monolayers to polymeric hollow structures
10:40 00:40:00 Tutorial lecture Jay D. Wadhawan Connecting-up the surface:  exploiting molecular wires for sensing
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Bus departure to Warszawa
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