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Electrochemical DNA biosensors for label-free detection of nucleic acids exploiting DNA conformational transitions upon hybridization event |
Elena E. Ferapontova |
University of Aarhus, Chemistry Department, Center for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA), Langelandsgade 140, Aarhus 8000, Denmark |
Abstract |
Several electrochemical DNA biosensors for label-free detection of nucleic acid sequences, based on the molecular beacon principle, are discussed. These systems exploit 1). conformational movements of probe DNA, labelled with a redox active tag, upon hybridization (e.g. shown in the works of A. Heeger, briefly reviewed) and 2). conformational transitions in branched DNA molecules operating as molecular switches, changing between ‘open’ and ‘closed’ conformations in response to the local ionic conditions at the branch point (Figure). |
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Presentation: Keynote lecture at SMCBS'2007 International Workshop, by Elena E. FerapontovaSee On-line Journal of SMCBS'2007 International Workshop Submitted: 2007-09-07 16:17 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |