Nano PL 2014

 on-line journal

Presenting person

October 15th, Wednesday

11:30 00:15:00 Keynote Witold Łojkowski Quo Vadis nanotechnology- for various stakeholders
11:45 00:15:00 Keynote Rodrigo F. Martins Nanomaterials for better life
12:00 00:15:00 Invited Oral Marek Sterczewski Nanoparticle size and zeta potential analysers Zetasizer and NanoSight from Malvern Instruments.
12:15 00:15:00 Invited Oral Ignacy Mościcki Laboratoria nano i biotechnologii
12:30 00:15:00 Invited Oral Hilary A. Smogór Advanced materials characterization by thermal analysis techniques
12:45 00:15:00 Invited Oral Agnieszka Opalińska Advanced characterisation of nanomaterials according to ISO 17025 Norm

14:00 00:15:00 Invited Oral Radoslaw Belka Characterization of nanomaterials using molecular spectroscopy methods
14:15 00:15:00 Invited Oral Nicoleta Galatanu SAXS/WAXS/USAXS polymer investigation of orientation induced by deformation in semi-crystalline polymers
14:30 00:10:00 Oral Svitlana Stelmakh Analysis of density waves in CdSe, SiC, and diamond nanocrystals by application of NanoPDF software package to experimental Pair Distribution Functions.
14:40 00:20:00 Keynote Giora Kimmel Kinetics and thermodynamics in nano metal oxides formed by sol–gel technique
15:00 00:10:00 Oral Jacek Wojnarowicz Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of High Quality Nanoparticles
15:10 00:15:00 Invited Oral Krzysztof Wasiak Nanocrystalline structures in steels produced by heat treatment processes
15:25 00:15:00 Invited Oral Cristina Leonelli Microwave sintering of nanosctructured metallic powders
16:20 00:10:00 Oral Inam Ul Ahad Tailoring polymer surface properties by extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation
16:40 00:10:00 Oral Paulina Latko Thermoplastic nanocomposites with enhanced electrical conductivity
16:50 00:10:00 Oral Sandra I. Paszkiewicz Polyester electro conductive Fibers with carbon nanotubes and graphene sheets
17:00 00:10:00 Oral Monika Michalska LiMn2O4/graphene oxide as a cathode material for lithium ion battery
17:10 00:10:00 Oral Jarosław Kaszewski Tb3+ ion luminescence enhancement in yttria host lattice obtained via microwave hydrothermal process
17:20 00:10:00 Oral Anna Swiderska - Sroda Optical oxygen sensor for safe operation in hazardous areas

October 16th, Thursday

09:00 00:10:00 Oral Witold Łojkowski Opening of the Thursday Sessions of NanoPl 2014
09:10 00:10:00 Oral Andrzej E. Kinart Nano-inks for printing electric circuits for microelectronics technology 
09:20 00:10:00 Oral Roman Pielaszek Real Time Characterisation of nanoMaterials
09:30 00:10:00 Oral Stanisław Myszor Application of nanomaterials in chemical products
09:40 00:10:00 Oral Krzysztof Szerszeń Air cleaning concrete - innovative TX Active technology in practical applications
09:50 00:10:00 Oral Andrzej Majcher Microwave reactors for nanoparticle's synthesis
10:00 00:20:00 Invited Oral Ewelina Mikołajska Development of New Products in Synthos S.A.
11:00 00:20:00 Keynote Christos Tokamanis Developments in Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials: a European perspective and innovation strategy
11:20 00:20:00 Keynote Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski Financing of industry relevant projects in Poland
11:40 00:10:00 Keynote Jerzy Kątcki Strategic Programmes - Tools for Financing Research and Development in Poland
14:00 00:20:00 Keynote Helmut Schmid Successful Market Introduction of Multi-Functional Nano-Coatings
14:20 00:20:00 Keynote Giancarlo Cravotto Enabling technologies for nanomaterial grafting and coating
14:40 00:20:00 Invited Oral Andreas Leson Superhard carbon coatings for an improved energy efficiency
15:00 00:10:00 Invited Oral Vitaliy V. Sadokhin Ultra clean concentrated nanometals muster-butches in custom carrier liquides
15:10 00:15:00 Oral Zbigniew Najzarek Development of disperse system nanoprocesses using a new supersonic rotor mill
16:10 00:20:00 Keynote Ludwika Lipińska From the mine to the tops: Graphene oxide – the mysterious derivative of flake graphene. Properties and applications
16:30 00:10:00 Oral Zbigniew Najzarek Biocarbon mechanochemical activation
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