Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 21st, Friday

09:00 Sesja 10: Metabolizm biopierwiastków
09:00 01:00:00 Wykład Edmund Bäuerlein BIOMINERALIZATION: What is common in the Biosyntheses of Biominerals?
10:00 01:00:00 Wykład Zygmunt Machoy Selected interactions between chemical elements and biological active compounds.
11:00 Przerwa
11:30 Sesja plakatowa
11:30 #P10.1 Poster Katarzyna Czupryńska The influence of the soya isoflavones received pre- and postnatally on the mineral metabolism and the function of the male reproductive system in rats
11:30 #P10.2 Poster Yevgeny M. Doroshenko Acute alcohol intoxication has no effect on the blood plasma and RBC levels of homocysteine
11:30 #P10.3 Poster Anna Lubkowska The influence of exposure to NaF and AlCl3 in drinking water on the aluminum concentration in the blood serum and bones of rats.
11:30 #P10.4 Poster Anna Lubkowska Distribution of fluorides in selected CNS structures of rats exposed to NaF and AlCl3 in drinking water
11:30 #P10.5 Poster Zygmunt Machoy Effect of heavy metals on hydroxyapatite structures change
11:30 #P10.6 Poster Szymon Sękowski Interaction of G3.5 PAMAM dendrimers, cadmium ions and dendrimer-cadmium complexes with human serum albumin (HSA).
11:30 #P10.7 Poster Vitaly Y. Smirnov Effect of composition of BCAA and taurine on the liver amino acids pool of the rats under alcohol intoxication
11:30 #P10.8 Poster Barbara Stawiarska-Pięta The influence of diet supplementation with methionine and vitamin E on the morphological picture of rats organs intoxicated with sodium fluoride
11:30 #P10.9 Poster Anna Szyperska Interactions between aluminofluoride complexes (AlFx) and proline using the methods of molecular modelling.
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