Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego

 on-line journal

Presenting person
P9.1 Kamilla Bąkowska-Żywicka Monitoring the dynamics of translating ribosomes.
P9.2 Karol J. Balicki Maf1 is involved in coupling carbon metabolism to RNA Polymerase III transcription
P9.3 Olesja Batsko Molecular analysis of the maintenance mechanism of plasmid pEC156 carrying EcoVIII restriction-modification system in bacteria related to Escherichia coli.
P9.4 Natasza Borodynko Phylogenetic analysis of Polish two types of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus
P9.5 Agnieszka Fedoruk-Wyszomirska The activity of the tetraloop:tetraloop receptor stabilized hammerhead ribozyme
P9.6 Beata Furmanek-Blaszk Characterization of a cryptic plasmid from Moraxella bovis strain ATCC 10900.
P9.7 Przemysław Grela Structural Relationship Among Acidic Ribosomal Proteins From Three Phylogenetic Domains
P9.8 Jakub Hanus Using yeast two-hybrid system to identify novel proteins putatively interacting with the apoptotic nuclease DFF40/CAD
P9.9 Beata Hasiów Specific detection of different Pepino mosaic virus strains by Real Time PCR
P9.10 Robert Herok Comparison of Real-time PCR and Microarray methods in the assessment of gene expression changes induced by ionizing radiation in human tumor cell lines
P9.11 Magdalena Kalinowska-Herok High Mobility Group proteins stimulate DNA cleavage by apoptotic endonuclease DFF40/CAD due to HMG-box interactions with DNA
P9.12 Anna M. Kietrys The function of the translating ribosome: Conformational changes of large ribosomal subunit.
P9.13 Dawid Krokowski Trans-Acting Factor Involved in The Stalk Assembly Into 60S Ribosomal Subunit
P9.14 Dorota Kubacka Binding affinity of human 4EHP for mRNA cap analogues
P9.15 Elżbieta Lewandowska-Gnatowska Effects of wounding of maize leaves on the contents of 5-methylcytosine in DNA
P9.16 Barbara Michalec Cellular Localization of The Human Acidic Ribosomal P proteins
P9.17 Katarzyna Nowaczyk Analysis of mtCOII genes of nematodes from genus Globodera and their utility for detection and differentiation
P9.18 Michał P. Obuchowski Mapping transcription start site of gene encoding protein phosphatase PrpE in Bacillus subtilis
P9.19 Szymon Pakuła FRET studies of the complex formation of the ecdysteroid receptor proteins with hsp27 response element
P9.20 Bożena A. Skoblińska The identification of the ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes in Amaranthus caudatus L.
P9.21 Jolanta M. Sochacka The binding of purine derivatives with protein - pH dependence
P9.22 Katarzyna Trzmiel Molecular characterization of partial coat protein gene of Polish isolate MDMV and comparison with other MDMV isolates.
P9.23 Agata A. Tyczewska Identification of RNA motifs specifically binding human ribonuclease Dicer
P9.24 Marzena Wójcik Inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity of human plasma 3’-exonuclease by motif-i - forming oligonucleotides
P9.25 Renata Wolinowska New retrons isolated from clinical E. coli strains
P9.26 Ewa K. Wons-Karczyńska On relaxed specific sequence recognition of the EcoVIII restriction endonuclease and cognate DNA methyltransferase.
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