

In order to your company data (name, address and profile) have been placed in Book of Abstracts (BoA), please fill in the registration form on the EMRS Fall Meeting website.


  1. Click on the Registration and abstract submission
  2. Create new account
  3. Each person who will be your company representative should register himself separately (for delivering badges)
  4. From the list of interests choose "exhibition" and place your company description in the abstract window (for placing your company data in BoA) - it should be done by one of registering representatives only!

Location, dates and hours

The exhibition will be held from 4 th-8 th September 2006 and will coincide with the technical programme of the Meeting. The exhibition space will be located in the Main Hall of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Address: Plac Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland.

Monday 4th – Thursday 7th

Friday 8th

09:00 am – 05:00 pm

9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Installation & Dismantling
The arrangement of the booths will be organised by the WUT. The exhibitors will be informed of the exact location of their boots one week before the exhibition start. The boots will be available for exhibitors from 9am on Monday, September the 4 th. Considering the Conference programme it is not possible to arrange booths earlier. Dismantling the booth: Friday, September 8 th, by 3pm.

NOTE! We are introducing final booths arrangement


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006 Exhibitors

World_Leader_Logo_Black_0805.JPGHYSITRON Inc.

10025 Valley View Rd. Minneapolis MN 55344 USA
Phone: +1 952 8356366
Fax: +1 952 8356166


Hysitron is a leading manufacturer of nanomechanical test instruments for the materials research scientist. Tests include nano-hardness, fracture toughness, elastic modulus, stressstrain, friction, wear and scratch resistance of bulk materials, ultra-thin films, electrical resistance during indentation, nanostructures (MEMS), and nanocomposites. Hysitron 's family of nanomechanical test instruments includes the TriboIndenter® comprehensive test system, TriboScope® interfaced to commercial AFM's, the Ubi 1® dedicated scanning nanoindenter; the nanoECR™ for simultaneous electrical measurements, and the nanoTensile™ 5000. All Hysitron indentation instruments offer proprietary SPM imaging, allowing pre- and post-test in-situ imaging. Advanced features such as quantitative mapping of modulus, dynamic testing (nanoDMA II ™), and acoustic emission monitoring during nanoindentation are available.


ntmdt.jpg NT-MDT Co./NTI-Europe BV.

Arnhemseweg 34d
7331 BL Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 55 540 2565
Fax: +31 55 540 2566


NT-MDT Co is working as instrument maker and solution provider in the fast area of Nano Technology and research.
As selected member of the Dutch Polymer Institute (the largest European merge of science and industry in Polymers Research) special equipment has been developed for virtually any nano-scale imaging and manipulation task. Any variable environment can be created and controlled. Up to 40 different analysis types range from atomic scale to about 150 micro meter.
Worlds best results in nano lithography have been obtained with the solutions delivered by NTI-Europe BV.


banner_01.gifCooperation in Scientific
and Technical Research

Avenue Louise 149
1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 533 3800
Fax: +32 2 533 3890


Founded in 1971, COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility.
The goal of COST is to ensure that Europe holds a strong position in the field of scientific and technical research for peaceful purposes, by increasing European co-operation and interaction in this field.
To emphasise that the initiative came from the scientists and technical experts themselves and from those with a direct interest in furthering international collaboration, the founding fathers of COST opted for a flexible and pragmatic approach. COST activities have in the past paved the way for Community activities and its flexibility allows COST Actions to be used as a testing and exploratory field for emerging topics.
The member countries participate on an "à la carte" principle and activities are launched on a "bottom-up" approach. One of its main features is its built-in flexibility. This concept clearly meets a growing demand and in addition, it complements the Community programmes. COST has developed into one of the largest frameworks for research co-operation in Europe and is a valuable mechanism co-ordinating national research activities in Europe. Today it has almost 200 Actions and involves nearly 30,000 scientists from 34 European member countries and more than 80 participating institutions from 11 non-member countries and Non Governmental Organisations.


National Institute for Materials Science

nims.bmp1-2-1 Sengen
305-0047 Tsukuba
Phone: +81 029 859 2494
Fax: +81 029 859 2400


The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) was established with the overall purpose of improving the level of material science and technology by conducting research and development work in a comprehensive manner, including basic research in material science/technology and R&D in connection with associated technologies and the research and intellectual infrastructure. NIMS is pleased to introduce these publishing output for a community in materials science research.

NIMS has also strengthened to publish information of materials science, "Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM)". The journal comprises full papers and review papers, and the Editorial Board consists of 30 specialists worldwide. STAM covers theoretical analysis, synthesis and processing, phase and structure analyses, characterization, properties, engineering and applications ."Materials Science Outlook", which identifies and analyzes trends in policies, measures, and research related to materials science both within and outside Japan. This book series are intended for policy makers, research institute managers, and materials science researchers both domestic and overseas."e-materials.net" for scientists in materials science. This site is designed to support communication such as information exchangeing among scientists, and is supported by several institutes, universitied and academic societies in Japan.- Shared use of institute facilities and equipment with researchers from other institutions.- Encouragement of practical application of R&D results, including transfer to the private sector.- Basic research related to material science and technology, and research and development ofrelated research and intellectual infrastructure.


COMEF Aparatura Naukowo-Badawcza

comef_logo.jpgKalinowa 41
40-750 Katowice
Phone: +48 32 2034149
Fax: ex.30


COMEF is representing in Poland leading French, Japanese, American, Danish and German producers of scientific and research equipment.

We offer equipment, full service and technical advice concerning methods of measurement.

Firma COMEF reprezentuje w Polsce czołowych producentów aparatury naukowo-badawczej oraz kontrolno-pomiarowej .

ADIXEN ( ALCATEL)pompy próżniowe: bezolejowe, olejowe, Rootsa, turbomolekularne oraz helowe wykrywacze nieszczelności, mierniki próżni i szeroki asortyment podzespołów
ANTON PAARmikrofalowe systemy do przygotowywania próbek oraz do syntezy związków organicznych (mineralizatory mikrofalowe)
CAMECAmikrosondy jonowe SIMS magnetyczne i kwadropulowe, mikrosondy elektronowe
CLIMATS SAPRATIN komory: klimatyczne, solne, temperaturowe, szoku termicznego
CRESSINGTON napylarki do napylania węglem oraz metalami
DANSENSOR przemysłowe mierniki O2 i CO2, analizatory gazów on-line, miksery gazów, próżniowe wykrywacze nieszczelności, analizatory przepuszczalności, analizatory MAP
DIGITAL DATA SYSTEMS bomby kalorymetryczne
GORATECaparatura do pomiaru i analizy promieniowania podczerwonego, bezkontaktowy pomiar temperatury, kamery termowizyjne
GV INSTRUMENTS spektrometry masowe
HITACHI mikroskopy elektronowe: skaningowe, transmisyjne, STEM
HORIBA analizatory węgla i siarki, analizatory azotu tlenu i wodoru, granulometry, analizatory oleju w wodzie, mierniki jakości wody, analizatory XRF, analizatory siarki w paliwach
JOBIN YVON siatki dyfrakcyjne, monochromatory, elipsometry, spektrofluorometry, spektrometry: ICP, GDS, ISKROWE, RAMANOWSKIE
MTS NANO INSTRUMENTS nanotwardościomietrze, scrach testery
NEWPORT elementy optyczne, optyka światłowodowa, siatki dyfrakcyjne, filtry optyczne, stoły optyczne, układy mikromechaniczne, układy opto-mechaniczne, itp..
ORIEL monochromatory, źródła światła, lampy kalibracyjne, oświetlacze, symulatory świata słonecznego, spektrometry FT-IR
PSIA mikroskopy sił atomowych
RIBER komponenty UHV, systemy MBE
QUESANT mikroskopy sił atomowych
SECOMAM spektrofotometry, analizatory wody i ścieków, analizatory biochemiczne
SETARAM kalorymetry (CALVET, DSC), dylatometry wysokotemperaturowe, analizatory termiczne (TG, TG-DTA, TGA-MS, TG-FTIR)
SPECTRA PHYSICSlasery: gazowe, na ciele stałym (YAG), pikosekundowe, femtosekundowe, wzmacniacze optyczne
THERMAL TECHNOLOGY INC piece: wysokotemperaturowe, próżniowe, ciśnieniowe, laboratoryjne
WALTER- BAI uniwersalne maszyny wytrzymałościowe, pełzarki

Prowadzimy również pełny serwis oferowanych przez nas urządzeń oraz szkolenia w zakresie ich obsługi.


logo_caburn.bmpCaburn-MDC Europe Ltd

12 Horsted Square
Bellbrook Business Park
Uckfield, East Sussex
TN22 1QG
United Kingdom


Welcome to Caburn-MDC Europe Ltd , exclusive European distributors for both MDC Vacuum Corporation and Insulator Seal Incorporated. We are working together to provide one of the most extensive ranges of high- and ultra-high vacuum components to scientists throughout Europe.

From basic flanges to innovative valves, feedthroughs and deposition equipment, our comprehensive online catalogue can provide you with details on a wide range of standard products, all fully specified and priced online. Many of our products are available for rapid delivery.


szablon_01.gifUNI-EXPORT INSTRUMENTS Polska

Phone: +48 22 6268786
Fax: +48 22 6268785


We are authorised representative of leading manufactures and suppliers of research equipment. We offer technical support and service for wide range of instruments dedicated for various applications.
Our product range includes:
- instruments for measurements of surface area and porosity, density and adsorption of gases,
- equipment for stability control of dispersions, monitoring of drying and curing properties of film-forming products,
- scanning electron microscopes and accesories,
- hardness testers, optical emmision spectrometers,
- ultrasonic cleaners, dewards,
- software for image analysis and 3D reconstructions/measurements of surface.



Blackburn Technology Centre,
Challenge Way,
BB1 5QB,
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1254 699606
Fax: +44(0)1254 699610


Millbrook Scientific Instruments plc supplies a range of equipment for the measurement of mechanical, optical and chemical nanoscale properties of solid surfaces.For chemical surface analysis the Millbrook MiniSIMS uses Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) to provide detailed chemical information from just the topmost atomic layers of substrate surfaces such as glasses, metals or plastics or of thin films and coatings applied to them.

Today, the MiniSIMS is being used worldwide in R&D, quality control and failure analysis roles in industries and university departments encompassing a wide variety of sectors and disciplines from biomaterials to electronics. As well as checking for surface contamination the miniSIMS can determinate the uniformity of a coating or the effectiveness of a surface modification process. In profiling mode, the primary ion probe can remove material during analysis allowing chemical information to be acquired as a function of depth. Combined with the mapping facility provided by focussing and scanning the probe, a complete 3D chemical characterisation of the solid can be obtained. Furthermore, the use of mass spectrometry means that the instrument can not only detect all the elements, but can also identify the structure of organic species.

In stark contrast to traditional UHV surface analysis instruments, the miniSIMS is relatively low cost, compact and portable, fitting nearly on top of an average-sized desk. The instrument can typically perform a complete analysis within 15-20 minutes, and an operator can be trained to use it in a day. Worldwide remote control over the internet/modem connection adds further value to multi-site portability.

Optical properties can be measured by the Aquila ‘nkd’ spectrophotometer range which is capable of high precision, non destructive analysis of film thickness, refractive index index and absorption for single and multi-layer nanoscale films on both transparent and absorbing substrates.

A complete nano-mechanical testing solution is provided by the Micro Materials nanoTest system, which as well as nanoindentation and nano-scratch at ambient or high temperatures can perform measurements for study of nano-wear and dynamic nano impact testing.


LogoBlock.jpgKURT J. LESKER

16 Ivyhouse Lane
Hastings, East Sussex
TN35 4NN, England
Phone: 44-1424-719101
Fax: 44-1424-426233


is a world class manufacturer & distributor of high and ultra-high vacuum components and thin film deposition systems, used by university, government, and industrial R & D facilities; OEMs; semiconductor processors; industrial vacuum coaters; and others in thin film deposition market segments.

TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES:We have in-house design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities for a large range of projects (beamline components, space simulators, complex manipulators, complete deposition systems, etc)

EXPERIENCE:We have supplied vacuum components (including valves, special feedthroughs fabricated items) to most of the government labs across Europe and North America

UHV technology, sample manipulation & transfer, manufacture of stainless steel products (chambers, specials, sub assys), distribution of complete range of vacuum products

AutoDesk Mechanical Desktop & Solid Edge modelling software; ISO9001 accredited

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CAPABILITIES:Various alliances with Universities in UK & USA for R&D work

PRODUCTION FACILITIES:UK manufacturing base in Hastings, Sussex, UK
75,000 sq ft production facility in Pittsburgh, USA


logo.jpgVEECO Instruments GmbH

Dynamostr. 19
68165 Mannheim, Germany
(49) 621 842 10 0
(49) 621 842 10 22


Veeco Instruments’ metrology and process equipment products provide solutions for nanoscale applications in the worldwide LED/wireless, data storage, semiconductor and scientific research markets. Veeco is the world’s leading supplier of equipment to the compound semiconductor industry.

Our Metrology products are used to measure at the micro- and nanoscale, and include atomic force microscopes, scanning probe microscopes, and stylus and optical profilers.

Our Process Equipment tools help create nanoscale devices and include molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD), ion beam etch and deposition, physical vapour deposition, precision lapping and dicing technologies. VEECO is the only company that offers both MBE and MOCVD tools, and provides both research and production solutions for a wide variety of applications and emerging materials.

Veeco’s complementary processing and metrology tools, plus its Process Integration Center, give customers the most complete one-stop portfolio of compound semiconductor equipment.


logo_1.jpgSYL & ANT Instruments

ul. Pyskowicka 12
44-172 Niewiesze, Poland
(+48) 32 2303201
(+48) 32 2303301


SYL & ANT Instruments was founded in 1992 as a continuation of the Bureau of Technical Information (since 1986). The company is situated in Niewiesze near Gliwice, some 3 km away from the A4 motorway exit, direction Pyskowice.

The company was founded by Josef Nitka, engineer, author and co-author of 7 patents and 75 utility models, prize-winner of inventors competitions, one of two representatives of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the first World Exhibition of Young Inventors (1985), member of NOT-Technical Associations and one of founders and members of the elitist Association of Polish Consultants.

The goal of our activities is solving analytical problems of our customers with the aid of modern, although often hardly known in Poland, but worldwide recognised analytical and measuring equipment. We use our vast practical experience in the area of laboratory analysis.

We are pioneers in introducing the newest and best word instrumentation for the trace analysis of nitrogen , sulphur, chlorine compounds, automated chemical and petrochemical analyzers, granulometry , porosity, microporosity and surface area measurements, laboratory autoclave systems as other applications on the Polish market.

We represent renowned foreign manufacturers on the Polish market.

Autoclave Engineers, Calibrage, CMC, ThermoEuroglas, Taylor-Wharton-Harsco, Iatron Lab., Mercury Instruments, Micromeritics, MTS GmbH Sy-Lab, Konica-Minolta,

Generally we supply our instruments and service directly as well as through our dealers in the whole area of Poland, but we servicing our Clients in the other part of Europe, also.


API_100x295.jpgA.P. Instruments

ul. Jaworowa 32/2;

02-798 Warszawa

tel. 022-355-3561 fax: 022-355-3562

e-mail: [email protected]


A. P. Instruments przedstawiciel firmy Malvern Instruments, Sieverst; urządzenia pomiarowe


Exhibition Coordinator

Grzegorz Wojas

Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
141 Wołoska St.; 02-507 Warsaw, POLAND
e-mail: [email protected]
NEW NUMBER Phone/fax : (+48 22) 6608108
Fax: (+48 22) 6608750 (WUT office)