Symposium FWide Band Gap II-VI Semiconductors: Growth, Characterization and Applications |
The Symposium will cover all aspects of basic and applied research on wide-bandgap II-VI compounds and their alloys, including diluted magnetic semiconductors, i.e. -- on such materials as ZnO, ZnMnO, ZnSe, ZnSeS, CdZnTe, and CdMnTe.
Emphasis will be given to new technological and application concepts concerning both bulk crystals and various quantum structures with reduced dimensionality, ranging from two to zero.
We presume that the presented results of the application-oriented
materials research on the wide-bandgap II-VI compounds will be
focused on:
- light emitting structures,
- infrared and visible light detectors,
- X- and gamma radiation detectors,
- materials for spintronics.
The Symposium will be devoted mainly to the materials research in the three groups of topics:
(1) Oxide crystals (e.g. ZnO, ZnMnO):
- growth of the substrate crystals,
- p-type doping,
- homo- and hetero-structures and their applications mainly as
optoelectronic sources of light.
(2) Tellurium- and selenium-based wide-bandgap semiconductor
compounds, like CdTe, CdZnTe, ZnTe, CdMnTe, ZnMnTe, ZnSe, and ZnCdSe.
Potential applications as:
- substrates for infra-red detectors,
- semiinsulating platelets for X and gamma radiation detectors,
- Faraday optical isolators for telecommunications based on
lasers and optical fibres,
- materials for spintronics,
- materials for light sources.
Special place belongs to the applications of the ultrafast
magnetooptical phenomena,
(3) Epitaxial structures based on oxides, tellurides and
- growth,
- characterization,
- possible applications, mainly in optoelectronics.
Certain topics, concerning all the materials, will be discussed.
These topics are:
- growth techniques,
- defect structures,
- defect control,
- doping procedures,
- optical properties,
- degradation
Andrey Bakin, Braunschweig Technical University,
Braunschweig, Germany
Arnold Burger, Fisk University, Nashville, USA
Michael Giersig, CAESaR, Bonn, Germany
Detlef Hommel, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Ralph B. James, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Upton, USA
Daniel Le-Si Dang, Université J. Fourier, Grenoble,
Henri Mariette, Université J. Fourier, Grenoble,
Bruno K. Meyer, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen,
Giessen, Germany
Hadis Morkoç, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, USA
Scientific-Organising Committee:
Prof. Andrzej Mycielski (Chairman), Institute of
Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Marek Godlewski, Institute of Physics PAS,
Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Jacek Kossut, Institute of Physics PAS,
Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Robert Triboulet, CNRS/LPSC
Prof. Andreas Waag, Institute of Semiconductor
Technology, Braunschweig Technical University
The proceedings of the conference will be published as a regular
issue of
physica status solidi (b)
. All manuscripts will be reviewed according to the standards of
physica status solidi
by two referees.
Authors of the accepted abstracts are requested to submit
at the conference site:
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physica status solidi.)
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Length of the article for a standard
(oral or poster) presentation:
6 journal pages.
Length of the article for an
invited oral presentation:
10 journal pages.
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enables an easy length estimate of the article.
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