
Currently, there is high scientific interest in the development of dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) and other materials exhibiting ferromagnetism for spin-based sensors, light-emitters, and transistors. The magnetic behavior of such materials is due to the introduction of transition metal (TM) ions, such as Mn and Cr, into appropriate crystals. Ferromagnetic ordering in Mn-doped narrow band gap semiconductors, such as GaAs and InAs, has been studied for some time. These DMS have a relatively low Curie temperature (T c < 200 K), which limits their potential applications. Recently, a number of research groups have reported achieving ferromagnetism at room temperature in TM-doped wide bandgap materials, such as GaN and ZnO. From then on, there is an increased interest for integration of photonic (light-emitting diodes), electronic (field-effect transistors) and magnetic (memory) devices on a single substrate. A new class of optoelectronic devices based on these materials may offer multi-purpose functionality for sensing, information storage, and ultra-low-power switching elements. For the scientific and industrial communities, there is an urgent need for discussion and assessment of advances in this technical area. An international symposium with scientists providing their knowledge and insight into these areas will assist the development of device technologies involving DMS materials.

The topics will include but not be limited to:

  • Materials - semiconductors, oxides, organic
  • Transition metals - doping, concentration, activation
  • Synthesis - MBE, MOCVD, PECVD
  • Ferromagnetic ordering - Curie Temperature, carrier mediation
  • Theory -mean field, others
  • Applications -light emitters, sensors, transistors

Scientific Committee:

W.M. Chen (Linköping Uni), J. Cibert (LSP-Grenoble), T. Dietl (IFPAS, Warsaw), V. Etgens (INSP, Paris), G. Faini (LPN, Marcoussis), T. Foxon (Uni. Nottingham, UK), J. Furdyna (Uni. Notre Dame USA), J.M. George (UMP CNRS-Thales, Palaiseau),W. Jantsch (Uni Linz), D. Look (Uni. Colorado, USA), B. Jonker (NRL, Washington DC, USA), J. Misiewicz (Uni. Wroclaw), L. Molenkamp (Uni. Würzburg), C. Morhain (CRHEA, Valbonne), H. Ohno (Uni. Tohoku, Japan), S. Pearton(Uni.Florida, USA), P. Ruterana (SIFCOM, Caen), D. Scalbert (GES, Montpellier), Z. Wilamowski (IFPAN-Warsaw), C. Wood (ONR, Arlington, USA), J. Zavada (ARL, Durham,USA)

Tentative list of invited speakers:

  • B. Gallagher (Uni Nottingham): Ferromagnetic GaMnAs: current status and future perspectives
  • R. Wiesendanger (Uni Hamburg): Spin polarized STM
  • H. Jaffres (Unite Mixte CNRS-Thales, Palaiseau): Spin injection and detection in GaMnAs-based tunnel junctions: theory and experiments
  • I.A. Buyanova, (Linköping Uni): Magneto-optical spectroscopy of spin injection and spin relaxation
  • H. Katayama-Yoshida (Uni Osaka, Japan): Theory of ferromagnetic semiconductors
  • A. Bonanni: GaN:Fe - a new candidate for spintronics?
  • T. Dietl (IPPAS-Warsaw) : Concepts of diluted magnetic semiconductors
  • X. Marie (INSA-Toulouse) : Optical spin Control in semiconductor nanostructures
  • D. Yakovlev (U. Dortmund): dynamics of spin interactions in DMS systems
  • P.Schieffer (Uni-Rennes) : Interfaces of Ferromagnetic materials and III-V Semiconductors
  • G. Karczewski (IPPAS, Warsaw): MBE growth of magnetic QW and QD structures
  • M. Venkatesan (T.C. Dublin): Dilute Magnetic Oxides for Spin electronic applications
  • O. Krebs (LPN, Marcoussis): Electron spin relaxation in charge-tunable InAs/GaAs quantum dots
  • D.Gamelin (Uni. Washington, USA) : DMS nanocrystallites
  • M. Tanaka (Tokyo Uni, Japan) : Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductor heterostructures with Mn delta doping

A few additional invited papers will be selected from outstanding contributed abstracts.


  • Prof. W. M. Chen, Department of Physics and Measurements Technology, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; Tel: +46 (13) 281795; Fax: +46 (13) 281795 ; email:
  • Prof. C Thomas Foxon, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK; Tel: + 44-115-951-5138 Fax: + 44-115-951-5180; e-mail:
  • Prof. Marek Godlewski, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; Tel (+48 22) 843 68 61; Fax (+48 22) 847 52 23; e-mail:
  • Dr P. Ruterana, SIFCOM-ENSICAEN, Caen, France; Tel: + 33 2 31 45 26 53; Fax: +33 2 31 45 26 60; e-mail:


After a regular review process (2 referees), the accepted manuscripts will be published in a special issue of Physica Status Solidi (a).

The manuscripts should be prepared using Word or Latex templates and the instructions posted at Wiley:

Please use the instructions and submit your manuscript in pdf format by email to within the page limit as provided along with the acceptance of your abstract.

For an easier and straightforward refereeing process, the manuscripts are to be sent by August 15 th.

Thank you very much in advance for your contribution.


Web site address is:

Institute of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotnikow 32/46
02-668 Warsaw, Poland
tel (+48 22) 843 68 61
fax (+48 22) 847 52 23