
zdjecie_Kozubski.jpg Prof. Rafal Kozubski - Symposium Chairman


Most of applicable properties of contemporary materials follow from structural transformations whose dynamics governed by atomistic mechanisms must be under control within advanced technologies. This general goal cannot be achieved on one hand without elucidating the nature of nano-structural (atomistic) phenomena both experimentally and by means of modeling or simulations covering the problems of structural defect thermodynamics and physics of atomic migration in condensed phases, and on the other hand, without elaborating links between nano- and meso-scale approaches to modelling the processes.

As clearly follows from many meetings and discussions, advanced methods and concepts of condensed-matter physics definitely enter the domain of contemporary materials science. This is in great extent due to the current fast development of hardware and software computational facilities.
The main idea of the organized event is to gather physicists, materials engineers and other scientists carrying out interdisciplinary research in one symposium dedicated to the multiscale modelling of time-evolving phenomena in materials. Although such problems have recently been taken up in contributions scattered over various conferences/sessions, organization of a specially dedicated symposium with the programme definitely focused on materials dynamics will stimulate synthesizing insight into the subject matter and will give rise to the development of new material technologies well-grounded in materials physics.
The symposium will focus on two basic aspects of investigations:
(i) current development of theoretical and model approaches to structural kinetics (links between quantum electron theories of solids and non-equilibrium thermodynamics);
(ii) computer simulations as an effective tool for studying atomistic mechanism of structural kinetics (Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics: suitability, efficiency, limitations, results).

In both cases reports on mustiscale-character investigations, as well as communications of results of pure nano- or mesoscale modelling are welcome.

Scientific Committee:

Christian Abromeit (Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin), John Agren (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Robert W. Cahn (Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge), Jiři Čermák (Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno), Marek Danielewski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow), Didier de Fontaine (University of California, Berkeley), Andriy Gusak (Cherkassy State University), Georges Martin (CEA Saclay), Carlo Massobrio (IPCMS, Strasbourg), Yuri Mishin (George Mason University, Fairfax), E.J. Mittemeijer (Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart), Tetsuo Mohri (Hokkaido University, Sapporo), Wolfgang Pfeiler (Vienna University), Veronique Pierron-Bohnes (IPCMS, Strasbourg), Maciej Pietrzyk (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow)

Tentative list of invited speakers:

  • Irina Belova (University of Newcastle, Callaghan): Bridging different length and time scales in diffusion problems using variable length lattice models
  • Cees Bos (Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart): Simulation of the massive phase transformation and the associated analysis of grain boundary mobilities on the basis of a new multilattice kinetic Monte Carlo approach
  • Murray S. Daw (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University, Clemson): Diffusion-limited processes treated with accelerated Molecular Dynamics
  • Carlo Massobrio (IPCMS, Strasbourg): Understanding material properties at the atomic scale from first-principles molecular dynamics
  • Tetsuo Mohri (Hokkaido University, Sapporo): First principles calculation of ordering transition
  • Stefan Mueller (Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg): Modelling of phase transformation kinetics via "ab-initio" calculations (tentative title)
  • Frederic Soisson (CEA, Saclay): Atomistic Monte Carlo simulations of phase transformations under irradiation


  • Rafal Kozubski, Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland
  • Graeme E Murch, School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Pawel Zieba, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland


The manuscripts submitted to this symposium will be reviewed and published in

"Solid State Phenomena".

Manuscripts should be prepared in a "camera-ready" form according to the instructions to be found at: http://www.ttp.net/web/download.cfm (AuthorChecklistAndInstructions.rtf).

A limit of 9 pages for invited papers and 6 pages for contributed ones (both oral and poster presentations) is established.

Manuscripts in 3 hard copies and an electronic version on a CD along with a signed "copyright transfer form" and "offprint form" available also at http://www.ttp.net/web/download.cfm (copyrightTransferGeneral.rtf, OffprintForm.rtf) should be submitted upon arrival in Warsaw when checking-in at the conference.


AMAS-ISN: international scientific network for advanced materials and structures, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT) of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Web site address is: http://www.e-mrs.org/meetings/fall2006/H.html

Prof. Rafal KOZUBSKI
Institute of Physics
Jagellonian University
Reymonta 4
30-059 Krakow, Poland
phone: +48-12-6635716
fax: +48-12-6337086
e-mail: [email protected]