Symposium KComplex oxide materials for new technologies |
The Symposium is going to address new oxide materials - namely these exhibiting high- T c superconductivity (HTSC) and colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), as well as ferromagnetic oxide semiconductors and magnetic oxide nanoparticles. The phenomena of HTSC and CMR, especially their microscopic mechanisms, are still hot topics in the solid state physics. In spite of the very intensive studies performed by the best research groups in the field - both phenomena are not fully understood. In materials exhibiting both of these phenomena, the co-existence of various structural, magnetic, charge and orbital states is observed, due to strong electron-electron and electron-lattice couplings. The so called parent compounds for these two groups of materials are antiferromagnetic insulators and compounds exhibiting HTSC or CMR are obtained by proper doping of them. In both groups of materials characteristic phenomena are associated with spatial inhomogeneity related to coexistence of different phases, known as the phase separation. The phase separation manifests itself in formation of phases with different magnetic and conductive properties. By using chemical doping or applying external factors, e.g., light, pressure, and ionizing radiation, various ground states of oxides materials can be realized and various fascinating collective phenomena can be observed. Ferromagnetic oxide semiconductors, magnetic oxide nanoparticles, as well as, materials exhibiting HTSC and CMR can be used in the new technologies for production of sensors of new generation, for information storage and for production of heterostructures needed for spintronics.
The main topics of the Symposium will be:
The Symposium Proceedings will be published in the journal "Acta Physica Polonica A". The authors of poster and oral presentations and invited lectureres are encouraged to submit 4, 6, and 8 pages long manuscripts, respectively. The manuscript should be delivered during the E-MRS Fall Meeting both in electronic and in hard copy (3 copies) forms. One can find a guide to the authors of papers in Acta Physica Polonica A at
Web site address is:
Andrzej WISNIEWSKI (co-chairman)
Institute of Physics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Tel: 48-22- 843 52 12
Fax: 48-22- 843 09 26
Roman PUZNIAK (co-chairman)
Institute of Physics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Tel: 48-22- 843 52 12
Fax: 48-22- 843 09 26