First Fall School on Thermal AnalysisFall School on Thermal Analysis |
The Warsaw University of Technology and the TA instruments cordially
invite you to participate in the first Fall School on Thermal Analysis
in 3-4 September 2006, Warsaw, Poland. As a part of the EMRS fall
meeting the school will start on Sunday 3
rd of September.
We will start with a day of lectures and workshops followed by a
one-day technical program. The workshops will provide in-depth looks at
specific areas of current interest.
During the workshops we will work on TA instruments equipment
TGA - Q500, DSC/MDSC - Q1000, DMA - Q800.
After workshops all participants, will be allowed to examine
their own samples according to guidelines. (quantity of samples
restricted to two)
During our lecture meetings experienced specialists of thermal
analysis will present the papers for beginners and advanced users.
Lectures include many different problems :
During the workshop we would like to:
Workshop will be divided into three blocks:
If the interest of the workshops will be high, organizers offer additional terms during the EMRS conference.
Fee for the First Fall School of Thermal Analysis