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Pierre Ruterana

phone: +33 2 31 45 26 53
fax: +33 2 31 45 26 60



address: 6 Boulevard Maréchal Juin, Caen, 14050, France


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

began: 2005-09-05
ended: 2005-09-09

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Investigation of InN layers grown by MOCVD and MBE using analytical and high resolution TEM

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Low and high indium fluctuation in MOCVD grown InGaN/GaN as determined by quantitative HRTEM

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Interfacial diffusion and precipitation in rf magnetron sputtered Mn doped ZnO layers


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

began: 2006-09-04
ended: 2006-09-08

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Formation of precipitates in Mn doped ZnO layers deposited by magnetron sputtering

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

The structure of nucleation Zn(Al)O layers for transparent metal oxide application


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-18

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

The microstructure and properties of InN layers


  1. Electronic and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO: first principles study
  2. FE and MD simulation of InGaN QD formation induced by stress field of threading dislocations
  3. Ferromagnetism in transition-metal doped ZnS
  4. First-principles calculations of the optical band-gap properties of Mg1-xZnxO alloys
  5. Formation of precipitates in Mn doped ZnO layers deposited by magnetron sputtering
  6. Image processing of HREM micrograph for determination size distribution of Co nanocrystals in Cu matrix
  7. Investigation of InN layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si or GaN templates
  8. Low frequency noise measurements in InN films
  9. Method of Manganese co-doping of LT ZnO films
  10. Modelling of indium rich clusters in MOCVD InGaN/GaN multilayers
  11. Optical properties of InN grown on Si(111) substrate
  12. Energy and electronic structure of gallium and nitrogen interstitials in GaN Tilt Boundaries

  13. Finite element modelling of nonlinear elastic and piezoelectric properties of InN and InGaN QDs

  14. First principles study of electronic structure of InN and AlN substitution atomic layers embedded in GaN

  15. Full-potential study of d-electrons effects on the electronic structure of wurtzite and zinc-blende InN

  16. Interfacial diffusion and precipitation in rf magnetron sputtered Mn doped ZnO layers

  17. Investigation of InN layers grown by MOCVD and MBE using analytical and high resolution TEM

  18. Low and high indium fluctuation in MOCVD grown InGaN/GaN as determined by quantitative HRTEM

  19. Structural analysis of the behaviour of the ultrathin AlN capping layer interface during the RE implantation and annealing of GaN for electroluminescence applications

  20. The atomic configuration of tilt grain boundaries around <0001> in GaN

  21. Quantitative study of Cd atoms distribution in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots superlattice by HRTEM
  22. Quantitative transmission electron microscopy investigation of localised stress in heterostructures
  23. Role of threading dislocations on Indium distribution in InGaN alloys
  24. Strain Relaxation Effect on the Properties of Ultra Thin ZnO Film on Sapphire (0001) Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition
  25. Structural properties of InAlN thin layers for HEMT applications
  26. Study of photo- and electro-luminescence related with Er^{3+} ions in GaN:Er
  27. The atomic structure of defects formed during doping of GaN with rare earth ions
  28. The microstructure and properties of InN layers
  29. Theoretical studies of ZnS1-xOx alloy band structures
  30. The structure of nucleation Zn(Al)O layers for transparent metal oxide application
  31. Transmission electron microscopy structural investigations of Tm implanted GaN

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