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Efficacy of Viburnum opulus fruit juice and its components against herpesvirus

Bogumiła Litwińska 3Beata Wileńska 2Aleksandra Misicka 2Krzysztof Rozycki 1Barbara Nowicka 1Aleksandra M. Szczucińska 1Andrzej W. Lipkowski 1,4

1. Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej (PAN), Warszawa, Poland
2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Chemii, Warszawa, Poland
3. National Institute of Public Health-National Institute of Hygiene (NIZP-PZH), Chocimska, Warszawa 00-791, Poland
4. Tufts-New England Medical Center, 750 Washingtons St., Boston, MA 02111, United States


Viburnum opulus that belongs to the Caprifoliaceae plant family is widespread in eastern and central Europe. In folk medicine Viburnum opulus bark extracts have long tradition of use as antispasmoticum and antihaemorrhagicum, especially in menstrual problems as well as miscarriage. Lipophilic wax-like material components (amyrins) are likely responsible for these properties. Some personal information reported (B. Baranowska, unpublished) effectiveness of Viburnum opulus fruit juice in treatment of herpes virus treatments. Pilot, in vitro studies, indeed, confirmed low but significant activity. This initiated systemic studies of various juice fractions, with hope to identify active component(s). Application of various methods of extraction combined with size exclusion chromatography allowed to separate fractions containing different components. The anti HSV-1 activities have been evaluated in vitro using CV1 or A459 cells. The cytotoxicity, virucidal activity assay, antiviral activity, the attachment as well as the penetration assays have been applied. Primary hypothesis predicted that particular flavonoid or catechin derivatives are active components. However, searching for particular active compound did not resulted with success. The tests indicated that antiviral activities spread out on various fractions suggesting that for enhanced activity combination of flavonoids is advantegous. In addition, we noticed that isolated pectins express also significant anti HSV activity. The remixing of isolated fractions resulted in a mixture with the highest anti-HSV properties.

In conclusion we may hypothesize that flavonoids, catechins and pectins form natural mixture which in combination provides concerted interactions, resulted in anti HSV activities observed on various stages of viral infections (attachment, penetration and replication).       



This work was supported by the Polish National Science Center (NCN), grant N N405 304436 


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Submitted: 2014-03-14 13:07
Revised:   2014-05-02 12:43