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Applications of the II-VI semimagnetic semiconductors

Andrzej Mycielski 1Leszek Kowalczyk 1Robert R. Gałązka 1Roman Sobolewski 2D. Wang 2Arnold Burger 3Małgorzata Sowińska 4Michael Groza 3Paul Siffert 5Andrzej J. Szadkowski 1Barbara Witkowska 1Wojciech Kaliszek 1

1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa 02-668, Poland
2. University of Rochester, ECE Department, Rochester, NY 14627, United States
3. Fisk University, 1000 Seventeenth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37208-305, United States
4. EURORAD C.T.T., 23, Rue du Loess - BP 20, Strasbourg F-67037, France
5. European Materials Research Society - Headquarters, 23, Rue du Loess - BP 20, Strasbourg F-67037, France


Selected possible applications of the (Cd,Mn)Te, a classical wide-gap semimagnetic semiconductor, will be described. Both the semimagnetic character and the other physical properties of this material give rise to its wide applications.

As a semimagnetic semiconductor - (Cd,Mn)Te offers "giant Faraday rotation" (of the direction of polarization in the strong static magnetic field) for the light with the energy of photons a little below the energy of free exciton. This effect, while being the strongest at low temperatures, is also significant at the room temperature. (Cd,Mn)Te-based "Faraday rotators" can be used in the optical telecomunications as "optical isolators" between the source of radiation (a strong laser) and the rest of the optical transmission line to avoid the parasitic light reflected back to the laser and disturbing its operation.

In the (Cd,Mn)Te crystals the Faraday effect is extremally fast. The results of the experiments, showing that the time of the respons of the (Cd,Mn)Te crystals to the pulsed magnetic field is in the range 300 ÷ 500 femtoseconds, will be presented, as well as the possible applications of this super-fast Faraday effect.

As a wide-gap semiconductor with high stopping power for the X and gamma radiation - the (Cd,Mn)Te can be applied to the construction of the radiation detectors. The required parameters: high resistivity (~ 1010 Ωcm) and high value of the μτ (mobility-life time product) (3 × 10-3 cm2/V) have been already achieved and the results will be described.


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Related papers

Presentation: invited oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium D, by Andrzej Mycielski
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Submitted: 2005-06-22 19:12
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44