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GaN(0001) surface Fe atoms doped |
Bronislaw A. Orlowski 1, Iwona A. Kowalik 1, Bogdan J. Kowalski 1, Nicolas Barrett 2, Izabella Grzegory 3, Sylwester Porowski 3 |
1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa 02-668, Poland |
Abstract |
The valence band electronic structure study of GaN(0001)1x1 (N-side) clean surface sequentially covered by Fe atoms is presented. The experiment is devoted to the investigation of Fe doping of the surface and the surface region of the crystal volume at a very first stages of the Fe atoms deposition. The bulk crystals were grown under high pressure conditions in the High Pressure Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. The wafers of thickness 0.1mm were obtained with a plane (0001) parallel to the plane of wafers. The photoemission study was performed with the application of the vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron radiation obtained from SUPER-ACO ring in LURE (Orsay, France) on the station SA73. The resonant photoemission study (Fano resonance) in the energy range corresponding to Fe 3p-3d transition was performed. The clean surface of the GaN crystal was prepared in UHV preparation chamber directly connected with the vacuum system of the analyzing chamber. The Argon ion bombardment treatment and annealing were used for preparation of clean GaN surface. First depositions lead to the appearance of the new peaks and shoulders corresponding to the Fe contribution to the GaN valence band electronic structure. With sequential Fe depositions the islands of Fe are created and sharp Fermi edge is created over the edge of the valence band. Heating of the sample leads to the diffusion of Fe atoms to the crystal volume. |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium B, by Bronislaw A. Orlowski Submitted: 2005-05-06 08:34 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |