HITEN 2007

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 16th, Sunday

19:00 Pre-conference dinner

September 17th, Monday

08:30 Registration - Mary Sunley Foyer
09:00 Opening session - Day 1
09:15 00:45:00 Invited oral Valeriya Kilchytska Assessment of advanced SOI CMOS technologies for high-temperatrue applications
10:00 00:30:00 Oral Steven A. Morris High temperature linear operation of paralleled power MOSFETs
10:30 Day 1 - am coffee
11:00 Session 2
11:00 00:45:00 Invited oral Bruce W. Ohme Updated Results From DeepTrek High Temperature Electronics Development Programs
11:45 00:30:00 Oral Bradley A. Reese High Temperature SOI/SiC Based Power Electronic Converters
12:15 00:45:00 Invited oral Patrick Ledru ENhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe: a cooperation action aiming at developing Unconventional Geothermal Resources
13:00 Day 1 - Lunch
14:00 Session 3
14:00 00:45:00 Invited oral Ovidiu Vermesan Latest development in High Temperature electronics at SINTEF
14:45 00:45:00 Invited oral Pierre Delatte A High Temperature General Purpose Operational Amplifier with 300µA bias current and 4.5V to 20V Supply Voltage in Partially Depleted CMOS SOI
15:30 Day 1 - pm coffee
16:00 Session 4
16:00 00:30:00 Oral Valeriya Kilchytska FinFETs perspectives for high-temperature applications
16:30 00:30:00 Oral Renee G. Lerch DACS-HT – Data Acquisition and Control System for High-Temperature Applications
17:00 00:30:00 Oral Marshall Soares Low power, high temperature design in an embedded RAM
17:30 00:30:00 Oral Ovidiu Vermesan Design Considerations on Voltage Reference Generators for High Temperature Applications (-20°C To 200°C).
18:00 Break
19:00 Day 1 - dinner

September 18th, Tuesday

09:00 Day 2 - Session 5
09:00 00:45:00 Invited oral Mark Johnson Recent Developments and Future Prospects in Silicon Carbide Power Electronics
09:45 00:45:00 Invited oral Randy A. Normann Developments in high temperature electronics for geothermal applications at Sandia National Labs
10:30 Day 2 - am coffee
11:00 Session 6
11:00 00:30:00 Oral Ragnar K. Asmundsson High temperature instrumentation in geothermal fields at supercritical conditions of reservoir fluid
11:30 00:30:00 Oral Arden P. Johnson Performance and performance limitations of high temperature batteries
12:00 00:30:00 Oral Shane Rose A 225°C Rated ASIC for Quartz Downhole Pressure Transducers
12:30 00:30:00 Oral Bertrand Rue A SOI CMOS smart high-temperature sensor
13:00 Day 2 - lunch
14:00 Session 6
14:00 00:45:00 Invited oral Wayne Johnson High Temperature Electronics Packaging
14:45 00:30:00 Oral Stephen T. Riches Establishing Methodologies for the Assessment of the Reliability of High Temperature Electronics Packaging Technology
15:30 Day 2 - pm coffee
16:00 Session 7
16:00 00:30:00 Oral Robert Klieber Material characterization for packaging of high temperature integrated circuits
16:30 00:30:00 Oral Milton Watts Circuit design for high temperature hybrid manufacturability
17:00 00:30:00 Oral Bernhard Wunderle Failure Analysis of Microelectronic Packages by Pulse IR Thermography
18:00 Break
19:00 Conference Dinner

September 19th, Wednesday

09:15 Day 3 - Session 8
09:15 00:45:00 Invited oral Andy Longford Implementation of Lead(Pb) Free Interconnection in High Temperature Electronics
10:00 00:30:00 Oral Samjid H. Mannan Liquid solders for high temperature electronics
10:30 Day 3 - am coffee
11:00 Session 9
11:00 00:30:00 Oral Vitor Marques Lead free solders for aerospace applications
11:30 00:30:00 Oral Froydis Oldervoll Long Term High Temperature Reliability of Aluminium Wire-Bonds to Thin Film, Thick Film and LTCC Substrate Metallizations
12:00 00:30:00 Oral Burkhard Schelle Reliability testing of wire-bond at High Temperature Storage
12:30 00:30:00 Oral Sazia Eliza An Analytical model of AlGaN/GaN HEMT for High Temperature DC and Microwave Applications
13:00 Close of conference
13:05 Day 3 - Lunch
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