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HgCdMnZnTe: growth and physical properties |
Sergey Ostapov 2, Igor Gorbatyuk 2, Sergiy Dremlyuzhenko 2, Vladimir Zhikharevich 2, Ilariy M. Rarenko 2, Ruslan M. Zaplitnyy 2, Igor M. Fodchuk 2, Vitalij G. Deibuk 2, Miroslav L. Kovalchuk 2, Nina Popenko 3, Igor Ivanchenko 3, A. Zhigalov 3, Sergey Karelin 3, Yaroslav Olikh 1, Mykola Tymochko 1 |
1. Institute for Physics of Semiconductors of NAS of Ukraine, 45 Prospekt Nauki, Kyiv 03028, Ukraine |
Abstract |
The monocrystals of a new narrow-gap solid solution Hg1-x-y-zCdxMnyZnzTe with the content of manganese and zinc up to 5% are presented. X-ray and mechanical investigations of these crystals have been carried out and their basic electrophysical parameters such as the band-gap energy, the intrinsic carriers’ concentration, the impurity state of samples, and the mobility of charge carriers have been determined. It is shown that a new material has the perfect crystal structure and high microhardness. The empirical formulas for calculations of band-gap energy and intrinsic carrier concentration of monocrystals like that are suggested.
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium B, by Sergey Ostapov Submitted: 2005-05-18 10:45 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |