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The Effect of Treatment on CdTe, Cd1-xMnxTe, Cd1-хZnxTe Surface Stoichiometry |
Sergiy Dremlyuzhenko , Zinaida Zakharuk |
Chernivtsi National University (ChNU), 2 Kotsubinsky Str., Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine |
Abstract |
It is known that stoihiometry of the CdTe, Cd1-xMnxTe, Cd1-хZnxTe surface, as a rule is broken, moreover the relation between components depends on the treatment method, and also on etchant's composition. In the present paper using thermodynamics calculations, potentiometric analysis and Auger-spectroscopy measurements we studied the surface composition and the formation mechanism of after treatment oxides films in such solutions. The treatment with bromine methanol solution gives an enrichment of surface layer by Te and TeO2. The relation of reduced intensities of the Cd/Te component was of 0.5 for CdTe; 0.4 for Cd1-xMnxTe and 0.3 for Cd1-хZnxTe. The most perfect surface is obtained with the use of chemico-mechanical polishing with modified alkaline colloid solution SiO2 containing H2O2 . The presence of fine dispersed modified colloid silica (2÷20 nm) in etchant mixture, which acts as an abrasive and forms complexes, affects favorably the surface quality. The speed of chemico-mechanical polishing depends on alkali and H2O2 concentration and is within the limits of 0.1 ÷ 0.7 mm/min. Such treatment gives the surface with the minimum damaged layer of 13÷26 nm. The relation of reduced intensities of the Cd/Te component for studied materials surfaces was of 0.8-1.1. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006, Symposium F, by Sergiy Dremlyuzhenko Submitted: 2006-05-15 11:00 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |