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GaN/AlN junctions - density functional study |
Jacek Piechota 1, Jakub Sołtys 1, Stanisław Krukowski 1,2 |
1. University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), Pawinskiego 5a, Warsaw 02-106, Poland |
Abstract |
GaN is a promising material because of its properties: it can be used in high-temperature, highfrequency and high-power device applications. The study of GaN-based junctions is very important for these applications. GaN/AlGaN junctions have been widely used as high electron mobility transistors [1] or sensors [2]. However it has been shown that for the GaN/AlN/GaN junction with ultra-thin AlN layer significant improvement over GaN/AlGaN is attained [3]. In this work we show results of density functional study of the GaN/AlN junction. We have shown crystallographic structure of such device as well as electric potential profile within the slab. Moreover, we have modelled properties of 2D electron gas at the GaN/AlN interface. We have evaluated dependence of properties of such system with varying thickness of the AlN layer.
[1] B.S. Kang et. al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 122102 (2006) [2] B.H. Chu et. al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 042114 (2008) [3] A. Bengoechea Encaboa et. al. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 142, 304 (2009) This work has been supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the NanoBiom Project financed under the European Founds for Regional Development (Contract No. POIG 01.01.02-00-008/08)." |
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Presentation: Poster at 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17, Topical Session 9, by Jakub Sołtys Submitted: 2013-07-26 18:13 Revised: 2013-07-31 22:58 |