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New analgesics with adjuvant anticancer properties. |
Jolanta Dyniewicz 1, Anna Leśniak 1, Marta Bochyńska-Czyż 1, Barbara Nowicka 1, Piotr Kosson 1, Steven Ballet 2, Andrzej W. Lipkowski 1 |
1. Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawińskiego 5, Warsaw 02-106, Poland |
Abstract |
Substance P plays an important role in pain signals generation and transmission from periphery to CNS. In contrast, opioids suppress pain signals mainly through suppression of substance P release. These mechanisms of neurophysiological actions were fundamentals for invention of hybrid compounds that act as both antagonists of substance P to reduce postsynaptic activation of NK1 receptors as well as opioid agonists to activate presynaptic opioid receptors that result in decrease substance P release. It is known that on the surface of tumor cells an overexpression of NK-1 receptors is observed. Literature has reported that antagonists of substance P inhibit proliferation and migration of tumor cells, and reduced tumor angiogenesis. Therefore, to the list of already synthesized and characterized compounds we appended new series of compounds that combine peptide opioid pharmacophore with 3,5 bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl derivative, responsible for antagonist at NK1 receptor. In literature we can found bifunctional peptides which can act through both opioids and NK 1 receptors . A new compound, synthesized our laboratory, was constructed from one part of biphalin and Z- Trp on the C-terminus (1). In the other team was synthesised similar hybrid which was modified on C-terminus by fragment with 3,5- bistrifluoromethyl- benzyl group (2). On this basis we design, synthesized and tested new bifunctional peptides. New compounds exhibit high affinity to opioid receptors and decrease viability of human melanoma cells. In in vivo studies hybrids exhibit analgesic activity also. Therefore peptide analogues as a new type of effective analgesic especially designed for chronic cancer pain treatment has been developed. References: 1. Bonney, I. M.; Foran, S. E.; Marchand, J. E.; Lipkowski, A. W.; Carr, D. B. Spinal antinociceptive effects of AA501, a novel chimeric peptide with opioid receptor agonist and tachykinin receptor antagonist moieties. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2004, 488,91–99 2. Ballet S., Feytens D., Buysse K., Chung N.N., Lemieux C., Tumati S., Keresztes A., Duppen J.V., Lai J., Varga E. , Porreca F. , Schiller P. W., Broeck J. V., and Tourwé D. Design of Novel Neurokinin 1 Receptor Antagonists Based on Conformationally Constrained Aromatic Amino Acids and Discovery of a Potent Chimeric Opioid Agonist-Neurokinin 1 Receptor Antagonist. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54 (7), 2467–2476.
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Polish National Science Center (NCN), DEC-2011/03/N/ST5/04725.This work has been supported with a scholarship from the European Social Fund, Human Capital Operational Programme for the execution of the project “Support for bio tech med scientists in technology transfer”; (UDA-POKL.08.02.01-14-041/09).This research has been co-financed with the European Union funds by the European Social Fund. |
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Presentation: Poster at IX Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku, by Jolanta Dyniewicz Submitted: 2014-03-14 13:19 Revised: 2014-05-02 10:05 |