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dr Alexander M. Samoylov

phone: +7-4732-596515
fax: +7-4732-208445


Voronezh State University

address: Universitetskaya Sq., 1, Voronezh, 394006, Russian Federation


17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

began: 2013-08-11
ended: 2013-08-16

17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

The Improved Procedure of Ga-doped PbTe Films One Stage Synthesis by Modified HWE Technique

17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

Surface morphology and structure of CaF2/BaF2–on-Si epitaxial layers and the electronic properties of the interface with the substrate

17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

Heterostructures PbTe:Ga/BaF2/CaF2/Si for IR photodetectors

17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17

The Determination of Different Types of Conductivity Areas within Homogeneity Region of Ga Solid Solutions in PbTe films on Si-substrates 


  1. electrical properties of lead telluride single crystals doped with bromine
  2. Heterostructures PbTe:Ga/BaF2/CaF2/Si for IR photodetectors
  3. Surface morphology and structure of CaF2/BaF2–on-Si epitaxial layers and the electronic properties of the interface with the substrate
  4. The charge states of In impurity atoms in PbTe<In>/Si films prepared by modified HWE technique
  5. The Determination of Different Types of Conductivity Areas within Homogeneity Region of Ga Solid Solutions in PbTe films on Si-substrates 
  6. The determination of solubility limit of indium impurity in PbTe<In> thin films on Si substrates
  7. The function of thiourea coordination compounds composition in synthesis of CdS thin films
  8. The Improved Procedure of Ga-doped PbTe Films One Stage Synthesis by Modified HWE Technique
  9. The polymorphic modifications of CdS prepared from coordination compounds of thiourea
  10. The  determination  of solubility limits of gallium impurity  in  PbTe films doped with Ga  on  Si  substrates

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