11th European Powder Diffraction Conference

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 22nd, Monday

10:00 Non ambient conditions: phase transitions/transformations - Robert Dinnebier - Lecture Hall I
10:00 00:20:00 Oral Robert E. Dinnebier The high pressure crystal structure of the NLO compound BiB3O6 from 2D powder diffraction data
10:20 00:20:00 Oral Andrzej Grzechnik High-pressure behaviour of fluorides with fluorite related structures
10:40 00:20:00 Oral Nathalie Guillou Flexibility of a 3D Nickel Oxide skeleton combined with reversible repositioning of Carboxylates and hopping of metals
11:00 00:20:00 Oral Bernd Hasse Investigating phase transitions under non ambient conditions using the Incoatec Microfocus Source IμS™
11:20 00:20:00 Oral Joseph A. Hriljac High-pressure phase transitions in AI3 (A = Rb, Cs, Tl, NH4) Triiodides
11:40 00:20:00 Oral Ian C. Madsen Industrial applications of in-situ diffraction
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