
Silicon is the unchallenged first material for mass applications in the field of microelectronics and photovoltaics. And Ge and SiGe can meet special requirements as substrates for III-V semiconductors or high frequency devices. This session will highlight the latest progress in technologies for growth of these materials, and in material properties reached. Contributions should reveal how the increasing demands regarding performance and production costs of electronic devices and solar cells set the pace for development of more and more improved and specialized crystallization technologies.


Invited speakers (confirmed):

Kasper Erich (Stuttgart University, Germany)
Epitaxy of GeSi Heterostructures on Silicon Substrates 

Christian Reimann (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)
Challenges in material improvement and cost reduction for crystalline silicon for PV application


Albrecht Seidl  (Germany) [email protected]
Deren Yang  (China) [email protected]