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Prussian Blue based nano-electrode arrays for detection of H2O2 with advanced analytical performances. |
Elena A. Puganova 1,2, Arkady A. Karyakin 2 |
1. Faculty of Material Science, Moscow State University (MSU), Lenin Hills, Moscow 119992, Russian Federation |
Abstract |
Monitoring of low levels of hydrogen peroxide is of great importance for modern medicine, environmental control and various branches of industry. The most progressive method of H2O2 monitoring is its amperometric detection on electrode, modified by Prussian Blue (PB). PB modified electrodes allow low-potential detection of H2O2 down to 10-7M [1]. Despite the possibility to detect hydrogen peroxide down to 10-7 M achieved, both clinical diagnostics and environmental control in certain cases require monitoring of lower H2O2 levels. The decreased detection limit is possible with the use of micro-electrodes instead of conventional ones. We have reported before on the possibility for nanostructuring of PB by its electrodeposition through liquid crystal template for improving of analytical performances. Prussian Blue is a superior electrocatalyst of hydrogen peroxide reduction, where as graphite materials possess in this reaction only a minor activity. Hence, the resulting nano-structured Prussian Blue on carbon can be considered as nano-electrode array in relation to H2O2 electrochemical reduction [2]. Now we repot on the possibility to simplify the PB nanostructuring procedure. It may be done by electrodeposition of nanostructured PB films without using template. Analytical performances of the resulting PB based nanoelectrode arrays have been studied in course of hydrogen peroxide detection in FIA mode. The value of sensitivity for obtained sensors was 0.2 АM-1cm-2, which is two times more than for electrodes modified by PB electrodeposited through liquid crystal template. Detection limit was 10-8M and a linear calibration range was extending over six orders of magnitude of H2O2 concentrations, which are the most advantageous analytical performances in hydrogen peroxide electroanalysis nowadays. [1] A. A. Karyakin, Electroanalysis, 13 (2001) 813. |
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Presentation: Poster at SMCBS'2005 Workshop, by Elena A. Puganova Submitted: 2005-08-31 13:59 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |