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Determination of the viscosity and density of veterinary vaccines

Dorota M. Krasucka ,  Katarzyna Kos ,  Aneta D. Woźniak ,  Wojciech Cybulski 

Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Partyzantów 57, Puławy 24-100, Poland


Determination of viscosity and density plays a significant role in assessing the stability of veterinary vaccines. Analysis of these parameters are often a critical indicator, which determine the quality of product, its appearance as well as the expiry date. The aim of the study focused on determination and validation of dynamic viscosity and relative density method devoted for practical usage of veterinary vaccines quality monitoring at national market.  Immunological veterinary medicinal product (ivmp) for four different animal species poultry, cats, cattle and rabbits were tested. The viscosity and density were measured using a rotational viscometer SVM 3000 combined with a density measurement unit, Anton Paar (USA), with a fixed shear rate at 20°C. The measurements were performed under the following environmental conditions: ambient temperature of + 18 to + 25°C and relative humidity of 20 to 80 %. The optimization of the minimum quantity, 2 ml of a sample dispensed into the measuring cell was estabilished. The three different types of matrices: emulsions, suspensions and solvents were tested, also viral as bacterial vaccines. The maximum scatter of results (CV) for the viscosity  (3.87 %) and for the density (0.261 %) were found for the measurements of the suspensions. It was relevant for the only bacterial vaccine in this study. The method of dynamic viscosity was linear in the range 3,902 – 1110 mPa·s , with r2 = 1,000000. The method of relative density was linear in the range 0,81213 – 0,84262 g/cm3, with r2 = 0,999995. The method was used for vaccines market monitoring in 2011, 2012, 2013 and it is still in operation.


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Submitted: 2014-03-04 13:55
Revised:   2014-05-02 11:47