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Vaccines for swine authorized on Polish market in 2008 and 2009-change of trends after harmonization according to EU pharmaceutical codex

Wojciech Cybulski 1Wojciech Cybulski Agnieszka Klimowicz 

1. Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Partyzantów 57, Puławy 24-100, Poland


According to pharmaceutical codex authorization of immunological veterinary medicines products (ivmp, vaccines) on European Union market bases on mutual recognition agreement. Polish market, after harmonization these rules in 2009, has got full admittance to the EU veterinary medicines products (vmp) wholesaler system. In 2008 there were 1303 vmps, 348 ivmps included: 70 vaccines for swine, authorized on national market. While in 2009 these figures accounted: 1184; 331; 63, respectively. Statistics of doses within the ivmp batches revealed 24,57 million for swine, authorized in 2008, since after harmonization the dose numbers increased to 32,35 million. Analysis of particular ivmp batches according to prophylaxis destination revealed substantial quantity differences of dose scores between 2008 and 2009. It concerned both the vaccines against bacterial and viral diseases. The most pronounced increase, were recorded for circoviral type 2 ivmp in swine. Thus, the harmonization considerably influenced the country market within the number of products, because of not standing for registration procedure of national “old” ivmp.  On the other hand, marked quantity changes within some vaccines butches being authorized imply prophylactic programmes reorientation. The reason for particular vaccines should be analysed out by species specialists looking for rationale answer for it.    


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Submitted: 2012-03-14 09:06
Revised:   2012-05-09 07:43