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The possible role of HSP60 in synergistic action of anthracyclines and sulindac in HeLa cells

Beata M. Gruber ,  Jolanta Krzysztoń-Russjan ,  Irena Bubko ,  Elżbieta Anuszewska 


Background. As was observed in the earlier studies doxorubicin (DOX) induced apoptosis in HeLa cells and that effect was potentiated significantly by sulindac (SUL). Aim. The aim of the current work was to study: - the effects od DOX and SUL on HSP60, HSF1 and  HSP60 expression; - the influence of DOX and SUL on HSP60 translocation.

Methods. Expression of HSP60 and HSF1 was determined with QRT-PCR; the HSP60 and HSF1 expression and localization of HSP60 was evaluated with Western blot. The 24-hr cultures were co-incubated with DOX-1 micromole and/or SUL-50 micromoles.

Results. The significant induction of HSF1 and HSP60 mRNA level was observed after exposure of the cells to DOX-1 micromole. SUL-50 micromoles alone caused moderate increase in mRNA level. The significant decrease in expression of HSF1 and HSP60 was noted after DOX-1 micromole and SUL-50 micromoles simultaneous treatment. HSP60 appeared in the higher levels in cytosol than in mitochondria but no intracellular translocation was noted.

Conclusions: - the effects of HSP60 and HSF1 evoked in the cells depend on the inducer; - proapoptotic action of DOX+SUL may correlate to the increased expression of HSF1 and HSP60; -HSP60 mRNA level and the regulation of that protein expression depend on the apoptotic inducer; - the role of HSP60 in apoptosis expressed in potential shift between mitochondria and cytosol is determined by the apoptotic inducer and the cell type.


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See On-line Journal of VII Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku

Submitted: 2010-03-05 10:37
Revised:   2010-03-05 10:37