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Characterization of diatoms consolidation

Katarzyna Konopka 1Anna W. Danelska 2Mikołaj Szafran 2

1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (InMat), Wołoska 141, Warszawa 02-507, Poland
2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Noakowskiego 3, Warszawa 00-664, Poland


Diatoms are alge which create a variety of amorphous silica skeletons. The diatoms size range from 2 μm up to several millimeters. Tens of thousands of species which inhabit fresh and saltwater and also the possibility to their growth in cultures. The symmetric skeletons with the characteristic nanopores and many more their properties make diatoms as a very important materials for many engineering applications.

Among of the potential applications diatoms are reinforcements for composites and substrate for fabrication of bulk materials. From this point of view description of diatoms consolidation process and characterization of bulk materials are important.

In the work results of consolidation diatoms are presented. The bulk materials were obtained by modeling using a uniaxial (die) pressing method with different additions, then dried and sintered. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observation of diatoms and bulk materials. Some properties as density and hardness were measured.


this research has been financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2008-2010, project no N N 507 438834.


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Presentation: Oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Symposium I, by Katarzyna Konopka
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

Submitted: 2009-07-02 11:44
Revised:   2009-07-02 11:44