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Multi-component structures with varying configuration |
Sergey V. Ovsyannikov 1, Vladimir V. Shchennikov 1, Grigoriy V. Vorontsov 1, Vsevolod V. Shchennikov 2 |
1. Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Division, Institute of Metal Physics, 18 S.Kovalevskaya str., GSP-170, Ekaterinburg 620219, Russian Federation |
Abstract |
Multi-component structures (heterophases, layered, porous, composite) present a stable interest for different fields of science and engineering. In the present paper the equations are discussed describing the dependence of several effective properties (electrical, thermal, galvanomagnetic, etc.) of such systems with varying concentration and configuration of inclusions. The examples are given of calculation of complex properties like thermoelectric effectiveness and figure of merit of multi-component structures. The approach offered may be used for optimal design of complex multi-component structures with advanced effective characteristics.
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Symposium H, by Sergey V. Ovsyannikov Submitted: 2004-04-19 05:49 Revised: 2009-06-08 12:55 |