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Structural and morphological study of hydroxyapatite grown by chemical methods on different substrates |
Toma Stoica , Tionica Stoica 2, Adrian Slav 2, Crina-Elena Anastasescu 1, Mihai Anastasescu 1, Madalina Nicolescu 1, Adelina Ianculescu 3, Mariuca Gartner 1, Maria Zaharescu 1 |
1. Instituite of Physical Chemsitry (ICF), Splaiul Independentei 202, Bucharest 060021, Romania |
Abstract |
Many efforts have been done in order to obtain biocompatible materials (e.g. bone substitutes) with special properties (corrosion and mechanical resistance). Biocompatible materials are composed of a ceramic layer deposited on a metallic substrate. Titanium dioxide is often used as an interface layer material to increase the adhesion of the bio-material (hydroxiapatite in our case) to the metallic substrate. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Workshop, by Crina-Elena Anastasescu Submitted: 2008-05-19 23:00 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:48 |