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Experimental validation of numerical methods of MRE simulations |
Wiesław Szymczyk 1, Anna Boczkowska 2, Tadeusz Niezgoda 1, Konrad Zubko 1 |
1. Military University of Technology (WAT), Kaliskiego 2, Warszawa 00-908, Poland |
Abstract |
This paper deals with the development of magnetoactive elastomers based on carbonyl iron particles-filled polyurethane resin. Their stiffness can be changed easily by magnetic field. Such a property can be useful in construction of active vibration damping structural elements. For the needs of numerical modelling methods validation the elementary case of the two magnetic dipoles was investigated experimentally. Special "macro samples" were prepared with pairs of "dipoles" of cylindrical as well as apherical shape of diameter of 20 mm. The gap distance was established on the level of 1/4 of the diameter. Thanks to this all the observations were easy while the magnetic field intensity was changed in the range 50-400 mT. The change in the gap distance between the dipoles was registered in function of the magnetic field intensity. The deformation field was also obtained from the digital image processing. Then the experiment was simulated with the use of 2D as well as 3D FEM models. The computations were conducted in the two ways: 1- the magnetic force was calculated with the use of appropriate formulas and then applicated to the model dipoles; 2- the dipoles were loaded by the displacements measured experimentally. Calculations were performed on the MSC Nastran platform. The results of calculations were compared with the experimental ones. The validaton of the base concept of MRE modelling was completed successfully. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium C, by Wiesław Szymczyk Submitted: 2008-05-12 13:24 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:48 |