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Effect of magnetic field on the TA2 phonon branch softening in Ni2MnGa |
Vicente Recarte 1, José Ignacio Pérez-Landazábal 1, Eduard Cesari 2, Volodymyr A. Chernenko 3, Mónica Jiménez-Ruiz 4 |
1. Depto. de Física, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPN), Campus de Arrosadía, Pamplona E-31006, Spain |
Abstract |
The softening of the TA2 phonon branch at [ξξ0] 2π/a, ξ ≅ 1/3, as seen through inelastic neutron scattering experiments, is well known to be associated to the Parent (P) → Intermediate (I) phase, preceding the martensitic transformation (MT) on cooling in Ni2MnGa alloys. There is still some controversy on the magnetic field dependence of both P → I and MT temperatures in these alloys, nevertheless the effect of magnetic field on the TA2 softening has never been analysed. In this work, preliminary results of the P → I softening under a magnetic field are presented.
Neutron scattering experiments were carried out at the Institute Laue-Langevin, at IN3 triple axis spectrometer. A stoichiometric Ni2MnGa single crystal ( [100] axis perpendicluar to the scattering plane) has been studied in the 220 - 260 K temperature range. The measurements without applied magnetic field reproduce the softening as reported in "Phonon anomaly, central peak, and microstructures in Ni2MnGa", A. Zheludev et al., Phys. Rev B 51 (1995) 11310; the minimum in the energy being at T = 240 K for q ≅ [0.35, 0.35, 0], thus close to ξ = 1/3 as expected. At lower temperatures, i.e. 230 and 220 K, the value at the minimum increases and the dip in the branch is less pronounced. Under the application of a magnetic field of 2 T along [100], the branch at 230 K approaches that of 240 K, both being closer to the 230 K branch without applied magnetic field. Therefore a slight decrease in the P → I temperature under the application of the field could be inferred, although this is a preliminary qualitative estimation. Additional experimental data, extending both the field and temperature ranges are required in order to reach a quantitative estimation of the magnetic field effect. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Symposium E, by Eduard Cesari Submitted: 2007-04-23 16:06 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |