CyberEmotions conference

 on-line journal

Presenting person

January 29th, Tuesday

08:30 REGISTRATION - Lobby
09:00 CONFERENCE OPENING by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Professor Mirosław Karpierz and CyberEmotions Coordinator Professor Janusz Hołyst
09:15 The Cyberemotions Project - Room 111
09:15 00:30:00 Oral Janusz A. Hołyst Collective emotions in Cyberspace, short review of Cyberemotions Project results  
09:45 What are emotions? - Janusz Hołyst - Room 111
09:45 00:45:00 Invited oral Arvid Kappas The Psychology of (Cyber)Emotions
10:30 00:45:00 Invited oral Bernard Rimé The social sharing of emotion
11:15 COFFEE BREAK - Main hall
11:45 Sentiment and emotion detection (1) - Arvid Kappas - Room 111
11:45 00:45:00 Invited oral Marina Santini How Emotional Are Users' Needs? Emotion in Query Logs
12:30 00:45:00 Oral Mike A. Thelwall Social web sentiment strength detection: methods and issues
13:15 LUNCH BREAK - Main hall
14:15 Sentiment and emotion detection (2) - Bernard Rimé - Room 111
14:15 00:30:00 Oral Magdalena Igras Dynamics of emotions in voice during real-life arguments
14:45 00:30:00 Oral Wojciech P. Jaworski Application of semantic spaces to sentiment analysis for words
15:15 Social groups dynamics (1) - Krzysztof Kułakowski - Room 111
15:15 00:45:00 Invited oral Yamir Moreno Online Networks and the Diffusion of Protests.
16:00 00:30:00 Oral Aaron Ben-Ze'ev The impact of cyberspace upon current society
16:30 00:30:00 Oral Julian M. Sienkiewicz Online discussions modelled by an evolving Ising-like dynamics
17:00 #1 Poster Jan Chołoniewski Fluctuation-dissipation relations in physiological data collected during emotional stimulation
17:00 #2 Poster Agnieszka Czaplicka Noise enhances information transfer in hierarchical networks
17:00 #3 Poster Andrzej Jarynowski Viral spread with or without emotions in online community
17:00 #4 Poster Paweł Kondratiuk Modeling of scientific paradigms spreading
17:00 #5 Poster Dennis Kuester Cyberemotions in the Laboratory
17:00 #6 Poster Olesya Mryglod Temporal characteristics of human dynamics in virtual world
17:00 #7 Poster Tomasz Ryczkowski Emotional clusters observed in Internet communities
17:00 #8 Poster Aki-Hiro Sato Correlational analysis between Web search queries and currency market conditions
17:00 #9 Poster Julian M. Sienkiewicz Sentiment and activity analysis of Manchester United football forum
17:00 #10 Poster Anna Winnicka Big emotions in microblogging
18:00 BREAK
19:30 DINNER

January 30th, Wednesday

08:30 REGISTRATION - Lobby
09:00 Observations of emotions in on-line groups - Yamir Moreno - Room 111
09:00 00:30:00 Oral David Garcia A modelling framework for collective emotions in online communities
09:30 00:30:00 Oral Vladimir Gligorijević Patterns of Online Chats with Emotional Bots: Data Analysis and Agent-Based Simulations
10:00 00:30:00 Oral Anna Chmiel Transition due to preferential cluster growth of collective emotions in online communities
10:30 COFFEE BREAK - Main hall
11:00 Social groups dynamics (2) - Peter Richmond - Room 111
11:00 00:45:00 Invited oral Renaud Lambiotte Psychological Aspects of Social Communities
11:45 00:30:00 Oral Krzysztof Kułakowski The Simmel effect and babies names
12:15 00:30:00 Oral Paweł Sobkowicz A new model of individual opinion dynamics based on information and emotions
12:45 00:30:00 Oral Andrzej Grabowski Human behavior in online social networks
13:15 LUNCH BREAK - Main hall
14:15 Emotion visualisation and emotional human-bot interactions - Mike Thelwall - Room 111
14:15 00:45:00 Oral Junghyun Ahn Facial asymmetry and affective communication in 3D Online Virtual Society
15:00 00:45:00 Oral Marcin Skowron Affective Dialogue Systems and Beyond - Interacting with Collective Emotions in E-communities
15:45 Conference closing by Janusz Hołyst
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