COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting

 on-line journal

Presenting person

February 16th, Thursday

13:45 00:30:00 Oral Natalia L. Klyachko Surfactant aggregates as nanocontainers of variable size and properties: pressure tuning of enzymes
14:15 00:30:00 Oral Roxana M. Piticescu Hydrothermal synhtesis of inorganic/organic hybrid nanomaterials
14:45 00:30:00 Oral Robert R. Piticescu Hydrothermal synthesis: opportunities for technology transfer in advanced materials
15:45 00:50:00 Oral Witold Łojkowski SWOT analysis of various reactors used for synthesis of nanopwoders in our Working Group
16:35 00:10:00 Oral Roman Pielaszek Accuracy of XRD size measurements of nanocrystals
16:45 00:10:00 Oral Janusz D. Fidelus Preliminary research on zirconia based optical oxygen sensor
16:55 00:10:00 Oral Tadeusz Chudoba The comparison of the properties of YAG obtained by coprecipitation and SCR method
17:05 00:10:00 Oral Robert Fedyk Difference between solvothermal and hydrothermal reactors.
17:15 00:10:00 Oral Tomasz Strachowski Morphology of Al-Doped Zinc Oxide Obtained by the Vapour Condensation Methods

February 17th, Friday

09:10 01:00:00 Oral Piero Frediani Homogeneously catalyzed high-pressure syntheses of chemicals using small molecules such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, alkenes, or alkynes as reagents
10:10 01:00:00 Oral Witold Łojkowski Synthesis of nanopowders at elevated pressure and their characterisation - summary of work of the WG-002
11:30 01:00:00 Oral Gérard M. Demazeau Development of Materials Chemistry under High Pressures
14:30 01:00:00 Oral Reinhard Lange High Pressure Tuning of Biochemical Processes: Protein folding and molecular diseases
15:30 01:00:00 Oral Laszlo Smeller High Pressure Tuning of Biochemical Processes: Protein dynamics and aggregation
17:00 01:00:00 Oral Rudi F. Vogel "High Pressure Tuning of Biochemical Processes: Macromolecular Interactions and Cellular Physiology"
18:00 00:30:00 Oral David J. Walton Overview of COST D32 Action "Chemistry in high energy microenvironments"

February 18th, Saturday

09:00 00:30:00 Oral Marie Zarevúcka Enzymic catalysis in supercritical carbon dioxide
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