
In the last two decades research in area of lattice dynamic of solids developed an important methods of characterization  playing a pivotal role in characterization of advanced materials at various dimensional and temporal scales. The growing interest and high technological relevance of the vibrational spectra research  have been justified by using of new experimental instruments as Fourier spectroscopy and  new light sources in infrared region as synchrotron radiation  opened in several great facilities both in Europe and worldwide.
This E-MRS Symposium is aimed to:
- give an overview of the current status of optical metrology in far-infrared region  for materials characterization and quality assurance of mono-crystals and layer-structured materials as well as one-dimensional nanomaterials, with a particular emphasis on state-of-the-art metrology for defects and impurities detecting using vibrational spectra;- promote and encourage the interaction between academic and industrial research (instrument manufacture, IC and optoelectronics industry and materials suppliers) to address scientific and technological challenges associated with the improvement of standard analytical methods and qualification of newer techniques.


First we would like to highlight the trends and advances in the techniques of optical metrology in far-infrared region for monocrystals (mainly solid solutions), thin film materials, nanowires and nanotubes and secondly, we will address the application of such techniques to the study of real local crystalline structure (character of basic cells distribution in lattice and quantitative analyses of defects and impurities) in these materials.
As manufacturing processes become more complicated, it is imperative to employ in-situ metrology; this is particularly true in the microelectronics and micro-systems industry, such as compound semiconductor electronics, photonics, MEMS and sensors.
The current trends in optical metrology mainly concern Fourier spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy applied to micro- and nanostructures: infrared microscopy and Raman microscopy. Both related techniques (Fourier and Raman) have gained considerable interest in the last decade and are currently involved in the characterization of nanomaterials. In this symposium, these methods will be discussed with particular attention paid to their application, as well as their limitations and complementarities.

- Trends and advances in optical far-infrared metrology for different monocrystaline and multilayer materials
- Recent development, using far-infrared Synchrotron sources for non-destructive characterization of thin-layered materials and of micrometer-sized (or smaller) objects.
- Spatially resolved techniques for the investigation of small objects and micro-devices using Infrared reflectivity and Raman scattering: infrared microscopy and Raman microscopy.
- Advances in numerical method-based procedures for far-infrared reflectivity data interpretation – Kramers-Kroning transformation, subtraction of plasma reflectivity.

- Vibrational modes in nanotubes.

- Phononics crystals.
- Characterization of III-N based materials using vibrational local modes.
- Characterization of hydrogenated materials local vibrational modes and additional phonon modes.
- Role of defects in vibrational and phonon spectra.
- Vibrational and phonon spectra of solid solutions: role of defects and impurities.- Interface and Confident modes as instrument of low-dimentional structures characterization.

Tentative list of invited speakers:

  • Prof..  H. Van Der Zant (Delft University of Technology)
  • Prof.  K. Kikoin (Tel-Aviv University)
  • Dr. A. Marcelli (Laboratori Nazionale di Frascati)
  • Prof.  A.V. Akimov (A.F. Ioffe Physical -Technical Institute)
  • Prof. K. Parlinski (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Cracow)
  • Prof. Yan Pennec, (Institut d'Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie)
  • Prof. O. Pages , (Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, Université Paul Verlaine)
  • Prof. D. R.T. Zahn , (Chemnitz University of Technology, Institute of  Physics, Chemnitz, Germany)
  • Prof. M. Valakh (Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Ukr. Nat. Acad. Sci., Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • Prof. A.G. Milekhin (Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Russia)
  • Prof. V. S. Vinogradov,  Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Russia    


Principal organizer:

  • Eugen Sheregii
    Affiliation: University of Rzeszów
    Address: Rejtana str. 16a, 35-210 Rzeszów, Poland
    Phone number: +48 17 8721154
    Fax number: +48 17 8721283
    E-mail address: [email protected]


  • Wojtek Gębicki
    Affiliation:  Warsaw Technical University
    Address: Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
    Phone number: +48 22 2345181
    E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Yurij Azhniuk
    Affiliation: Institute of Electron Physics  Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.
    Address: Universitetska St. 21 , 88017 Uzhgorod, Ukraine.
    Phone number: +380 312 643524
    E-mail address:[email protected]



Proceedings will be published in special issue of phys. stat. sol. (c) part of  contributions (of original character) in phys. stat. sol. (b).

Manuscript preparation instructions and Word/LaTeX templates

 General author instructions with links to the template/style packages valid for pss (a), (b), and (c) are available at


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Please to use either the Word or the LaTeX template, especially for publication in pss (c), since the articles will be produced from the publication-ready manuscript files. In addition, it is the easiest and most accurate way to check the page limits: 6 pages for invited talks and 4 pages for others contributions.


Eugen Sheregii

University of Rzeszów Rejtana str. 16a, 35-210 Rzeszów, Poland
Phone number: +48 17 8721154
Fax number: +48 17 8721283
E-mail address: [email protected]
