

As Symposium organizers, we wish to welcome you all to a Symposium that will allow you to enter the fantastic world of flexible and transparent electronics! This is a rapidly expanding area, and the number of papers published in journals covered by SCI has more than tripled during the last three years. There is also a growing number of companies now implementing the results achieved thus far; they include SAMSUNG, LG, Canon, HP, Panasonic, and Phillips. We hope to see representatives of these and other companies at our Symposium!

This Symposium covers a broad range of thematic areas related to wide band gap covalent and ionic semiconductors, high k dielectrics, and electrochromic materials, as well as the integration of these materials in devices and systems. The core of the Symposium deals with the application of oxides as passive and active semiconductors. In addition, the symposium will discuss process technologies such as ink jet, PLD, sputtering, sol gel deposition, etc.

By covering a wide range of materials, technologies, and applications, we expect to serve a growing scientific community which works with issues ranging from fundamentals of materials and processes all the way to device applications.

To make the Symposium profitable to all of us, we count on your participation together with that of our notable invited speakers coming from Academia and Industry, in order to share the latest advances and to brain storm about future goals. Participation of industries involved in the area is crucial to accomplish this.

We expect to see you in Warsaw, Poland, from 15 th to 18 th September 2008, and that you register in Symposium B. Please make a note about the second week of September 2008 in your calendar already now!


This symposium deals with fexible and transparent electronics, involving organic and inorganic materials, their functionalization and device applications such as thin film transistors, solar cells, electrochromic windows, logic circuits, memories, sensors and others, making the follow-up of previous well succeed symposia that took place at E-MRS with different organizers. Besides, emerging materials and applications such as: Photo-refractive materials, electrochromic, dye cells, photocatalysts and solar cell applications are added.
Transparent electronics is today one of the most advanced topics involving a wide range of materials and their applications, where the key components are wide band gap semiconductors, both inorganic and organic ones.
In the case of inorganic materials, ceramics thin films like oxides of different origins play an important role, not only as passive component but also as an active component, similar to what we observe in conventional semiconductors with crystalline or amorphous like structures.
As passive component it is included the use of these materials as dielectrics for a wide range of electronic device applications or as highly transparent and conductive ohmic contacts in a wide variety of optoelectronic applications, such as liquid crystal displays, organic light emitting diodes, solar cells, optical sensors, etc. Besides that, these films have been also used for gas sensing and for photo-catalytic purification of gases and fluids.
As active material, it has been exploit the use of this material as a truly electronic semiconductor where the main emphasis has been put in thin film transistors, light emitting diodes, lasers, uv sensors, logic circuits, p-n heterojunctions for solar cells, etc.
As far as organic semiconductors are concerned, the use of novel hybrid crystalline or amorphous structures are under investigation targeting novel materials functionalities for novel applications such electrochromism, complementary transistors, solar cells and others.

The list of invited speakers includes David Ginley, from NREL-USA (TC Materials and their applications); John Wager, from OSU- USA (Novel oxide TFT and their applications); P. Mardilovitch, HP, Corvalis-USA (ink jet applications to transparent electronics); Yuzo Shigesato, from Aoyama Gakuin University-Japan (thermocromic devices); Hideya Kumomi, Cannon, Japan (electronic applications of oxided based TFT); Klaus Ellmer, from Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin-Germany (ZnO based TCOs); Eliav Haskal, Philips Research, The Netherlands (Flexible displays); C Hwang, Sang-Hee Ko Park, ETRI, South Korea (transparent electronics); Teherani Ferechteh, Nanovation, France; Chongwu Zhou, from University of Southern California, USA (full transparent TFT nanowires)..


The symposium organizers are listed below and they belong to well-known groups working since the beginning in the area of so called transparent electronics. The TIT group involved was one of the first one launching the idea of using oxides and other ceramic materials as truly active semiconductors for device applications, while the FCTUNL was the first group processing the first TFT fully transparent at room temperature. The Uppsala group is one of the world leaders in the area electrochromic materials and oxide applications, especially for novel solar cells, while the Crete group is also one of the European groups’ full devoted TCO applications, going from energy to sensors.



Symposium B papers will be published in Physica status solidi (a) (Wiley-VCH): ( http://www.pss-a.com). 

For the Authors: Symposium B manuscript deadline is Friday, September 19, 2008. Manuscript templates (Word and Latex) and the PACS-code list can be found at http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/. Recommended length for the manuscripts is 5 pages for normal papers and 10 pages for invited papers. Please use the Wiley's on-line submission system. The manuscript on-line submission system is working already at http://conferences.wiley-vch.de/v3 .Symposium B is there on the list. You can register there as a new user. Upon submission, please indicate in the "cover letter" text field whether your manuscript is a new submission or a revised version. We will invite some Symposium B authors and use also several external reviewers. Referees will get the manuscripts via the Wiley's on-line system. The authors will get the reviewers' comments from the same system and the revised manuscripts will be submitted using it. Papers will be published in print and on-line in the end of 2008 or early 2009 latest.


Rodrigo Martins
Faculty of Science and Technology of New University of Lisbon
Campos de Caparica
Phone number: +351212948524/5
Fax number: +351212941365
E-mail address: [email protected]